শনিবার, ২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Show me your Teeth Vigilante interest check

Now we have all seen the sterotypical superhero movie or roleplayed on one. We all know the superheros who have extremely powerful powers or gifts, and are beloved by the community. Then we have the 'evil' villians who rampage across the cities at the slightest insult, who are hated by the community. Team-ups are needed for the survival of the supers.

So I thought there was no good or evil sides but a giant grey area of morals when it comes to those with gifts. As well as what if all super-powered humans were considered vigilantes by the law and were to shot on site by anyone with a gun. Hell, if the mafia captured a hero and killed him there would be no consequences.

One may ask how is that even possible a regular human killing a superhero..with a gun? These aren't your Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu superhero there powers are only slightly useful. For example a youth has the gift of energy control..his biggest ability is turning lights on and off..woopie. While his friend has the gift to control machines meaning the machines already need to be turned on so biggest damage he will be able to do is burn you with an iron..that can be easily unplugged. Yet if the duo teamed up..their powers would be increased tenfold meaning they want to sick a giant missile launching robot at a little bank. BAM! It can be done, with time and resources

In all seriousness I have always enjoyed rps where you have to depend on another player's character in order to be of some use or advance the plot. I see team-ups as a good way to develop skills as an role play as well as giving a powers RP a needed flare. The tone of the overall rp can be as gritty as Nolan's Batman Trilogy to the campy 60s Batman. I personally would like to go to a darker place...because how much would life be worth living if you were hunted every time you used your powers...which turned on a toaster?

Interested? Leave a post below or PM. Team-ups are encouraged and possibly even required if your character ever wants to get anywhere in life. Powers can be as vast and creative as your imagination.. for those wondering about the title look up 'Teeth' by Lady Gaga. I felt that it matched the feeling of two powered beings facing off and boosting about their little powers before fighting and then finally teaming up.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/DC1VAW789G8/viewtopic.php

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