Have you ever played Monopoly? At some point in your life, you must have done and judging by the amount of variants that they seem to be throwing out one after the other, there?s still plenty of steam left in the board game industry. If you?re someone that enjoys board games then there?s a strong chance that you?ve also played the Farming Game. Here, the Construction Game takes the same elements from that game and applies them to the construction industry. Touchscreens are perfect to play board games on the go, and it?s a wonder they?re not more popular. Read on to see how good a portable version of The Construction Game is and how you can get started with the game.
Description: The Construction Game for Android is pretty much what you?d expect, it?s a portable version of the hit board game. You?ll be able to make all the deals, and buy all the equipment you want on Android, just as you would in the comfort of your own home. Do you remember all that time you spent indoor when the weather was bad playing this? Well, if you do then you?re going to love this. It?s the same game you?ve always loved, the only difference is that you?ll be able to play this on your phone or tablet, wherever and whenever you want.
How it Works: To get started with the Construction Game, go ahead and install the game from the Play Store. There are perhaps two types of people that are going to be playing this game, and one type is going to be far more successful than the other. There will be people that have played the game before, and those that haven?t. If you haven?t played the game then you can head here to get a grasp on the rules. With that said, when you launch the game you?ll see the main menu like this:
Right away you?ll see that you can load a game from earlier on, which fits in nicely with the notion of playing the Construction Game when the weather is too awful to go outside. When you start a new game, you?ll be asked to input players, and their names.
You can choose whether or not the players are human, or you can have the computer do the duties of trying to block your ambitions. Unlike the board game, you?re not given any physical money ? obviously ? but, you?ll still be given the same amount of money and credit as you would have when playing the board game.
As you might know, to win the game, you must hit a net worth of $1,500,000. You do this through fulfilling jobs, buying and selling equipment and so on. As you play through the game, you?ll get more and more glimpses of the game board.
What?s really nice is that the more you play with your character, the more?achievements?you unlock. If you?ve ever played Xbox games, you know how fun that can be.
Opinion: Board games for me have always been a lot of fun and they?re perfect to bring out with company but, you never know where that Monopoly or Scrabble set is just when you want it. With the Construction Game you get to play a variation of the popular Farming Game, perhaps one that you haven?t played before, and you can do it wherever and whenever you want. I can see this being great for road trips with kids or something like that, as it?s easy to pass the smartphone or tablet around and have each player take their turn.
- Speed (4/5) ? Everything is quick and light when playing the Construction Game and, to say it?s a board game, everything is paced nicely.
- Features (3/5) ? While it might be an accurate representation of the Construction Game, it?s a little difficult to play on Android for long periods of time but, it?s certainly a board game, all right.
- Theme (4/5) ? The game looks fine. It?s a faithful representation of the board game but, could definitely do with an update.
- Overall (4/5) ? While it?s not perfect, there?s a lot on offer from the Construction Game and if you like board games, then there?s no excuse at all, for not giving this one a go!
- All the fun you?d expect from the Construction Game is here.
- Ability to add up to 6 human or computer players will have you playing for hours.
- It?s a great game for long trips with kids or just when you?re fed-up of the Xbox.
- The deals and contracts from the board game are just as fun as they are in the board game.
- It could really do with some graphical updates.
- There are no instructions or help for those that have never played the game before.
Conclusion: The Construction Game is definitely a game for those that enjoy board games on a regular basis. After all, a lot of us don?t have the patience for something like this anymore, which is a real shame. If your family and friends are big on board games ? as a few of mine are ? then this is a good game to try out. Not only that but it?ll let you play with up to 6 players at a time, which is a nice touch. It?s refreshing to see a board game classic on Android like this, it might not be for everyone but, it?s definitely worth taking a look at.
Category: Android Headlines App Reviews
Source: http://androidheadlines.com/2013/02/featured-game-review-the-construction-game.html
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