Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr have overcome their differences and now work together to build a better place for mutants and humans alike. Magneto now share?s Charles? vision, but will others mutants or humans for that matter follow suite?
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.Hi hi, Welcome to the RP once again! This is a summary of the story thus far. I won't really mention the characters that have dropped out from the RP unless they've been really present and vital to the story. I mention a lot of names in this so please check the Character sheets if you want to learn who the characters mentioned are and I suggest you do if you have the time. But there are a lot of them so if you choose not to I certainly don't blame you. : )
Here goes!
Charles, Magneto, and Vincent have been doing student evaluation sessions with the students. It was mandatory so that the student could better progress with their powers. Notable meetings included one between Vincent, Memory, and Jonathan. In this meeting Memory tries to launch a psych defense against Vincent as the siblings felt that the meetings were intrusive. Jonathan and Memory learn to trust Vincent and V discovers that Jonathan's X-gene harbors a malicious nature like that of the Phoenix on a lower scale of danger. They formulate a plan and in the future they will try to help Jonathan control his X-gene ad regain the ability to touch others without harming them.
There was a meeting between Magneto and Adria [who unknown to the others is a secret agent for Weapon-x]. Adria hates humans and is very similar to how magneto used to be. Magneto guides her and she begins to see a different side of things. He is unaware of her being a spy. But a connection begins to form between the two.
Charles has a meeting with a student [who's player I assume dropped out] who had scorpion like features. She wanted to have those features suppressed so that she'd look more normal. Charles calls a friend of his, Aidan O'doherty, to help the student. [Aidan is a character of mine who will become an antagonist.] Aidan has the power to alter the forces of causality and othert physical / natural forces to speak things into existence. He is about to use his power to help the student Claire when the mansion alarms sound.
The cause of the alarms sounding stems from Kyle and Hideki joyriding and Hideki accidentally damaging the mansion gate. Aaliyah and Cara were at the gates at the time. Aaliyah [now an inactive character] fusses and Cara takes the boys to the professor's so they can apologize and explain themselves. There they interrupt the Prof.'s meeting and meet Aidan who is a completeNarcissist. He showcased his power by making Hideki make out with him after speaking "being madly in love" over hideki. The professor put a stop to the display and hideki was speechless. The meeting concludes.
Scott and Logan arrived at the mansion and Aidan left. Vila arrived and greeted Vincent and Philip. Eventually everyone settles in the kitchen then living room and chats.Some of the dynamics included Cara not being trusted completely by scott and Logan due to having been enemies. Also magneto convinced Charles to have the students resume practicing in the danger room and to reform another X-men team. Charles reluctantly agreed that all students were to participate in danger room training the following day. Mention is made of Jean grey being on Muir island and returning within a month after having settled things with the Phoenix personality.
The next day danger room training begins. Cara, Logan, Scott, Fuyumi, Aaliyah and Vincent give the students a demonstration. The scenario was a sentinel attack in Time Square New York.Due to some horse play with a couple of students in the control room the difficulty level for the session increased and many more sentinels attacked the teachers. Scott saved Cara and protected her right as the session with aborted. Scott and Cara have an awkward moment of connection and a gaining of trust.
Next the students begin their training session. Magneto and Vila were the sub commanders. The objective was to destroy the machinery that produced the sentinels in a sentinel manufacturing plant in ten minutes while fighting of defense bots. If ten minutes passed the sentinels would activate and they would have a tougher time surviving. The session is interrupted midway by the current attack on the mansion. Prof. X instructed the teachers except Fuyumi and Vincent to defend the school from the outside. Vila/ Lady Inali ignored/ disobeyed Charles and remained in the danger room. the rest is what's currently happening.
Weapon-x has attacked the mansion, with many soldiers and a few mutant generals [David North, Stinger, Sabertooth, Frenzy, Alexander, and X-23] under the lead of B.Trask. several soldier infiltrate the mansion attack the students in the danger room. The teachers except for three of them stay with the students to protect them. X-23 and sabertooth are in the danger room trying to capture Vincent Xavier. Several things happen including Adria being sedated, Jonathan moore using his nightmare powers for the first time in front of the others on a soldier terrifyingly. Sabertooth attacking hideki and fuyumi saving hideki. Vincent loosing control a bit and killing a few soldiers after sabertooth's mind games etc.
david infiltrates the mansion and runs into memory and jonathan. The two siblings had left the danger room to get a locket with a picture of M's mother in it. David holds M and J at gunpoint and allows M to get the Picture if they agree to show him to the danger room. They agreed. Memory takes David's hand and the siblings guide him to the danger room. All the while memory is copying david's physical skill set using her muscle memory adaption.
Cara and Stinger began battle outside the mansion. Frenzy is called away and then fights Sam briefly before being knocked out. Sam goes to Cara and is instructed to help Charles. Agent Six is still away from the mansion watching the events unfold via mirrors and seer spirits. Pietro helps magneto fight outside the mansion, and Charles helped Ace psionically keep a lock on the Alice persona. Eventually agent six in grabed by the government men that she works for and placed in a car taken somewhere.
In the danger room Logan fights sabertooth most of the soldiers are done. David, M and J enter the danger room. David shoots Logan point blank in the head causing him to lay unconsious as he recovers. Vincent instructed hideki, vila, and philip to remain with him in the danger room while the others escaped to take the sedated Adria to safety and then to go aid the professor outside of the mansion. Vincent launched a psionic assault on sabertooth while the other students escaped the danger room. Ryan and thantos take Adria to safety within the mansion's infirmary. Memory shot david's gun out of his hand, she and jonathan the left the danger room. Kyle followed after a few words with hideki.
David shot at vincent causing vincent to stop his attack on sabertooth and halt the bullets in the air. Sabertooth quickly recovers and lunges as Vincent but hideki blasted sabertooth backward. Philip threw a cluster of bombs at david and they exploded around his feet destroying much of the ground around david. David escapes the assault and tossed a thermite bomb at the group. Vincent was able to contain the explosion somewhat telekinetically but the force still knocked the group backward. Logan recovers and attacks david pinning him to the ground.
Outside the mansion Fuyumi, Kyle, J and M, as well as several others reached Charles. Four sentinels arrive and begin to target the mutants. eventually the sentinels are dealt with and Trask orders a retreat and for David + Sabertooth to capture the weapon/ Vincent Xavier and go. They managed to capture Vincent and escape.
X-23 and wolverine fought. And She was captured by Vila, Logan, Hideki and Philip. Trasks forces retreated. Alexander is secretly captured by Aaliyah after she recovered. He is currently unconscious and hidden in Aaliyah?s lab. Frenzy has joined the X-men, Stinger is on the X-men?s team for the moment. Everyone in the mansion is dealing with Vincent?s kidnapping. Xavier has located Vincent and he is with Cain, Agent Six, Sabertooth and David North after he and Cain destroyed the Weapon-X facility.
The next Saga of sorts that's in the process of happening is this:
After vincent Xavier is taken to weapon-X they will succeed in unlocking his locked away power but in an effort to control himself Vincent's X-gene splits and he creates another being who represents the locked portions of His powers. This is the character Cain.
masato22 - Member for 1 years
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