Just a side note or two. I would prefer to play the female hence the " Searching for Male". I would like you to post between 3 and 10 paragraphs. I understand writers block every one gets it. I also ask that you have decent spelling and grammar. I also would like if you were older than 15. I just feel uncomfortable doing a mature romance with younger role players. I know I didn't specify it but, I do want this to have a more mature feel.
Now onto the episode it was based of. In this episode two brothers were raised by their murderous uncle when their parents passed away. Their uncle would catch people who were visiting their town and take them to the woods that went over 300 miles. He would release them and hunt them like game shooting them with bow and arrows. His nephews later adopted their uncles habits not knowing that what they were doing was wrong.
Now, I will need someone to play the elder brother whom is more of the dominate personality. He would control the younger brother whom does not know any better and would do anything his brother tells him to do. Then there would be me.
I would like the younger brother to start to fall in love gradually with my character and I want him to begin to question his brother. Now, not til later on in the role play like towards the end would the older brother would realize that his brother was realizing what he was doing was wrong and begins to stray away from his elder brother. As a way of fixing things he takes his brothers love and begins to hunt her like the others. Now it is up to the younger brother to decide between the love of his life or his brother.
Just a few things the brother refer to their male victims as buck and their female as doe. I hate facial hair so the younger brother cannot have it. We will not be including the investigation just simply the news covering it and things like that. And that is all I can think of at the time.
Please let me know if you are interested!!:)
I am willing to re-post!
Oh before I forget here is the link!!
Please state in your character profile or what ever they are called here your characters age and whether it is the younger or older brother!
One more thing the younger should be either 20,21, or 22. The elder can be anywhere from 35 down to 22.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/f9eypKusplo/viewtopic.php
divine mercy cabin in the woods the legend of korra three stooges the three stooges the bee gees woodward
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