Use Strong Passwords!
Recently several of my Internet Marketing coaching clients complained about their email accounts getting hacked.
And yes this has also happened to me in the past. And if you?ve been online for any length of time you probably had one of your accounts or even websites hacked and you know how disheartening and alarming this can be.
If you are one of the lucky few that has never experienced hacking, rest assured this will happen to you sometime in the future so read on to discover one of the strongest measures you can take against getting your accounts hacked, and I?m talking about using secure passwords.
Why Using Secure (Strong) Passwords is Soooo Important

Applying security to your log-ins is important!
One of the easiest ways for someone to hack into your email or your website is through your password field. If they already know your email address or your website URL be sure unscrupulous hackers will be up for the challenge.
The problem is most people use easy to remember passwords. Most common passwords consist of a spouse name, pet name, birthday, kid?s name favorite TV character and so on.
The thought behind this is clear, you want to easily remember your password of course. The problem is with so much transparency and social media profile information, if someone digs deep enough they can usually find out these ?hidden? details about you and go in for the kill.
If you do one good thing for your online business today, go ahead and change all your passwords to secure passwords. You will not have to worry about remembering your passwords once you get in the habit of using a secure password manager. And if you only learn one new tiny skill this week, learn to use a password manager!
What Is Considered a Strong Password?
So what is considered a strong password? There are a few factors that contribute to your password being strong.

Weak Vs Strong Password
Your Passwords needs to be:
- Unguessable ? Your first consideration is making your password unguessable ? avoid using names, words or dates!
- Longer than 6 characters ? Using longer passwords is an easy way to make it harder to guess. I recommend on having at least 8 or 10 characters in each password you create.
- Combination of numbers, uppercase, lower case and special characters ? By mixing up the types of characters in your password you gain instant security!
Best Strong Password Generators and Managers
You may be wondering just how you will create and remember a bunch of secure passwords for all of your various log-ins. If you are marketing online, a consultant, freelancer or an affiliate you probably have tens if not hundreds of passwords to remember and manage. Well rest assured there are excellent tools you can use just for this purpose.
In addition to generating strong random passwords, the best password managers (see below) also contain the following features:
- Manage your passwords and Log In automatically.
- Fill long registration and checkout forms with one click.
- Encrypt your passwords to achieve complete security.
- Back up and Synchronize Passwords between computers.
- Fight Phishing and Defeat Keyloggers.

Roboform Secure Password Generator
Roboform - This is my absolute favorite password manager, I use it several times a day! You can download a free version here, (download and install with your browser closed) though I strongly recommend investing in the Pro version. The pro version contains many more fantastic features including profile management and allows you to have a master password online and access your passwords from any computer or device including desktop and mobile:
- Desktop ? IE, Firefox, Chrome, Mac
- Mobile ? RoboForm2Go for USB (priceless!), iPhone iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Palm and Symbian
You can also use LastPass or 1Password, though I haven?t personally used them I do know many people who are happy with their password manager.
It doesn?t really matter which tool you use as long as you use it consistently. The main thing is that you use strong passwords to maintain your security. Using easily guessed passwords is one of the biggest security holes you can use.
Wishing you a happy and secure New Year!
Comments or questions? Please share them below!
Source: http://www.internetmarketingduru.com/avoid-getting-hacked-use-secure-strong-passwords/
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