রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Does religion make a person more likely to stay in a bad marriage?

Old Yesterday, 11:51 PM ? #4 (permalink)

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I'm a regular on Christian Forums (although not religious myself), I find that a lot of people posting in their marriage section have big problems within their marriage but refuse to consider divorce as an option because it's not condoned by the Church. Even on the grounds of cheating and abuse, they don't want to leave, most of the time not only because of their faith but because there is kids involved (which doesn't even make sense to me, really, because I know that a peaceful separation would be much easier for their children compared to years of them fighting with each other and staying together).

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Source: http://talkaboutmarriage.com/general-relationship-discussion/64218-does-religion-make-person-more-likely-stay-bad-marriage.html

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