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7 Big Time Profit Tips For Paid Traffic | B.O.M.B. Business Owners ...


Terry Dean

Terry Dean
Florida, USA

  • The real secret to online traffic and why optimization is so important to online marketing.
  • Why you must track every ad and how to start each test safely.
  • How to turn a campaign losing money into a winner by following your visitors around the web.



?How do I get more traffic to my site??

That?s what everyone is continually asking. But there?s NO lack of traffic sources out there.

There?s Adwords, Bing, 7Search, Facebook, Trafficvance, Leadimpact, Adready, Advertise, Sitescout, Pulse360, Adbright, Bidvertiser, Tribalfusion, Valueclick, Kontera?

And we?re just getting warmed up. I?m not going to list all of them here. There?s no lack of traffic out there. It?s just a question of building a funnel that converts visitors into sales.

Here are 7 quick tips for profiting from paid traffic.

1. Track everything

If you?re not tracking, you?re losing money. It?s as simple as that.

Every penny you spend on advertising should be tracked. I personally use a couple of tracking programs. The first one is the ad tracker built into?www.netofficetoolbox.com. This one is perfect for anywhere I just need a single link, like when running email solo ads. I also use it with offline ads like postcards. I buy a domain name just for the postcard mailing and have the domain name redirect through the ad tracker to my landing page.

You could even set-up ?goals? inside of free Google Analytics to track a majority of your online marketing campaigns.? Plus there are dozens of other trackers available online.?? It doesn?t so much which tracker you use.? Just track all your ads.

2.??? Test small

Let?s say you?re buying your first solo ad in an email newsletter. Their audience sounds right for your offer. And you know your page converts. It did on the last 5 ads you ran in other newsletters.

Should you buy the mailing to 10,000 people for $100 or the 50,000 person mailing for $300?

From experience I?d recommend the smaller $100 mailing. Yes, the top one looks like a bargain, but every new ad source is a new test. Your previous results don?t mean anything here.

Test the small ad first. If it?s profitable, expand into the larger ad.

If you?re advertising where they offer a daily budget option, USE it. Only risk what you can afford to lose.

3. ?Plan for optimization

It?s a rare occasion when an ad succeeds right out of the gate.

Instead, what commonly happens is it only returns a fraction of your expense. You spend $100 and only get $30 back on your first run.

Is it time to give up and quit? Maybe this ad source isn?t right for you. So you try another and the exact same thing happens. Over and over again.

Advertising is all about staying in the game until you win. Let?s say you?re running Adwords. You test keywords, ad text, landing pages, sales copy, and follow-up. Those are 5 places you can improve and optimize and we?re just getting warmed up.

Your initial ad is simply a starting point for the optimization process to begin. That?s why tracking everything is so vital. You have to know which keywords, ads, and landing pages are producing the good results.

4. ?Test shouts instead of whispers

Your first tests shouldn?t be headline color or which font is the best. It should be a totally different offer or headline. Change the entire layout of the landing page.

Concentrate first on what?s above the fold (the first screen of info before someone scrolls). Put more emphasis on the response button.

5. ?Focus on the offer

Your initial offer is everything. It?s more important than the headline or the photos. Can you offer a low cost trial period? How about an ?insane? guarantee?

How does your offer stand out from the competition?

Test going directly for a low cost sale versus going for an opt-in only.

With information products, I?m almost always better off going for an opt-in (quick tip ? asking for ?email only? boosts my conversion by 20% or more over asking for name and email).

6. Reverse-engineer winning competitors

If someone keeps running ads in the same places (Adwords, solo ads, magazines, banners, etc.), study their conversion process.

What is their unique promise? What do they ask you to do when you land on their page. What are they sending out to their email list?

You may even want to buy their product to see what they offer on the backend.

Analyze a few of the top competitors and you can make a list of ?requirements? for being in that market. Then compare your offer and how you can stand out as unique.

7. ?Test adding remarketing to your mix

The advertising I?ve consistently seen clients profit the most from is remarketing campaigns. A 3-to-1 or 4-to-1 profit to expense ratio isn?t uncommon.

Remarketing is where you cookie your visitors, and then can show banners to them no matter what sites they?re on.

If you visit a site about ?running shoes,? you may find yourself surrounded by banners about those running shoes even if you?re checking the weather, reading a blog, or at a forum about dogs.

This type of advertising ISN?T where you go first though. You need to already have a good foundation of traffic coming to your site to cookie and follow-up on.

The reason it?s so important going in is because I have a couple of clients who are only close to break even on other sources of traffic such as Adwords. Their profits don?t come in until they ad on remarketing campaigns to keep following up on the visitors from their other sources of traffic.

There are quite a few remarketing networks, but?www.adroll.com?is a good one to get started with.


Terry Dean

Terry Dean helps Internet business owners Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life through eClasses, group coaching, and one-on-one coaching programs.

Terry and Julie Dean
?The Internet Lifestyle Mentor?
Earn More. Work Less. Enjoy Life!


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Source: http://8020center.com/BOMB/index.php/7-big-time-profit-tips-for-paid-traffic/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7-big-time-profit-tips-for-paid-traffic

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