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How to Talk 21st-Century Shop

March 27, 2013 6:30 AM Text Size: A . A . A 3D Printing

Now available for as little as $500, 3D printers can turn almost any CAD creation into a physical object. Sophisticated desktop units such as this MakerBot Replicator 2X ($2800) use dual extruders to print in two colors of plastic.

Laser Cutting

Now available for as little as $500, 3D printers can turn almost any CAD creation into a physical object. Sophisticated desktop units such as this MakerBot Replicator 2X ($2800) use dual extruders to print in two colors of plastic.

CNC Routing/Milling

These two machines are similar in concept, but they operate differently. Routers direct a rotating bit to shape wood and plastic, while mills usually move the material (mills are good at cutting metal). Both are the inverse of a 3D printer, subtracting material instead of adding it.

Pressing & Stamping

A standby of large-scale industrial manufacturing, machine presses force the manufacturing material against a premade form. Stamping machines cut out shapes much as a cookie cutter does. Both kinds of machine can produce parts much faster than printers and milling machines, but they are not as flexible.

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Hydro/Vacuum Forming

Vacuum forming is great for making plastic parts, such as electronics casings and packaging, which are heated, then vacuum sealed to a mold, then cooled. Hydroforming, which uses liquid pressure instead of a vacuum, is better for metals and other heavy materials.

Injection Molding

Rather than pressing material against a mold, an injection molder? forces material into one. These high-volume machines make parts out of glass, metal, or plastic.

Square Payments

Online retailing may be frictionless, but sometimes you?re out in the physical world. Technologies such as Square turn a smartphone into a credit-card reader.

Source: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/engineering/gonzo/how-to-talk-21st-century-shop-15269130?src=rss

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