বুধবার, ২৭ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Forecast.io Delivers a Useful Animated Weather Report for Your Location, All On One Page

Forecast.io Delivers a Useful Animated Weather Report for Your Location, All On One Page Forecast.io is a well-designed, good-looking weather site that puts all of the most relevant and useful information you need right in front of you, no clicking, no wading through ads or scrolling through pages of lengthy forecast notes. Just you, your location (automatically detected,) the current conditions, the forecast for the next day or so, and an animated globe to show you weather you need an umbrella.

Forecast.io keeps the layout simple so you can load the page, glance at the current conditions and forecast for the next hour, 24 hours, or week, and get on with your day. Click play on the animated globe to see cloud cover and chance of rain over your location play out over the next week, just so you know if you're in for cloudy, rainy, or sunny days. If you're hungry for more details, scroll down to the day-by-day forecast to see daily highs and lows, along with the forecast conditions for each day. Click the plus sign next to any day to see hour-by-hour temperatures, highs and lows (and the hours when they'll occur), chance of precipitation, and more.

If Forecast.io looks familiar, it was built by the same folks who made the previously mentioned iPhone weather app Dark Sky. If you love poring through tons of data and maps, Forecast.io may not thrill you (but Weather Underground, your favorite weather site, will). Even so, Forecast.io has a lot to offer weather fans and people who just want to know how to pack for a trip or whether they should grab the umbrella on the way out the door. Hit the link below to give it a try.

Forecast.io | via Adam Pash

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/gYS1YxONHpo/forecastio-delivers-a-useful-animated-weather-report-for-your-location-all-on-one-page

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