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Public Speaking Tips. Filmed In Zurich During ... - The Creative Penn

by Joanna Penn on November 10, 2012

Speaking is a core part of my business, and I really enjoy sharing my enthusiasm with other people, educating and empowering authors.

Joanna Penn speaking at Zurich Write ConHowever, I get a lot of questions about how to actually do public speaking, as well as how to learn and get speaking appearances.

So here?s a few tips I recorded in Zurich while at Nuance WriteCon last weekend, interspersed with some images of the event. Below the video is a text round-up in case you want to read.

In the video I mention:

  • If you feel nervous, try reframing those feelings as the energy you need for the performance. A teacher of mine, Robert Rabbin calls it ?shakti?, and it helps you perform.
  • Speaking is a kind of performance, and I am 150% me when I speak. I am an energetic speaker but I am not like that all the time. I am an introvert so I need to recharge my energy alone later but the actual event is a performance, but an authentic one.
  • How to get speaking appearances. For me, it?s based on my platform online ? this blog, twitter and word-of-mouth recommendations. I don?t solicit for speaking usually, but I am always open to options!

I am available to speak for 1 hour all the way to multi-day events. Popular topics include self-publishing/independent publishing, online platform building, digital marketing, branding, multimedia and aspects of writing. Audiences are often authors, publishing industry people or small business/ entrepreneurs. More details and testimonials on my speaking page.

?Joanna is the Energiser Bunny of writing, publishing and book marketing? Michelle Beck. Orbis-marketing.com

Do you have any questions or tips about public speaking? Please do share them in the comments below.

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Source: http://www.thecreativepenn.com/2012/11/10/public-speaking-tips/

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