রবিবার, ১১ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

jeffrey nullification: Allison: Internet and Business Online - mas0706 ...

Using the Internet to develop a business is making it possible for individuals from all walks of life to access paying customers that fall outside their own sphere of influence.

In small towns around the globe home-based businesses are helping to sustain families while contributing to the local economy by bringing non-traditional revenue to the community.

Homes and offices have an illuminated computer screen that is viewed in the pursuit of accessing a global market. Similar screens are used by consumers looking for the perfect gift for a hard to buy for person or for a product they need and can't find elsewhere.

Sometimes the point of purchase is based on nostalgia as the consumer recalls products from their past that can still be found online. For the business owner this is where affiliate revenue programs can be beneficial.

There are online businesses that specialize in products from other countries. In effect these businesses can sell products at a better price with reduced shipping expenses because they import the goods for resell in a specific country. For instance in I wanted Toffee Pops from Australia, but I live in America I can find an online supplier in the United States that will provide Toffee Pops for less than it would take to have them sent from Australia.

The above scenario appeals to the emotional connection an individual might have if they move to another country or experienced the product while visiting that country. This is why many grocery stores have ethnic food sections for those who may want a taste of home. The same situation exists online.

It seems that almost every type of online business may find a niche. If you want railway engineer hats you can find them online. It may seem that there would not be a large market for this item, but because it is available to a global audience it can be readily found online when it may not be found in local (or even regional) stores.

In so many ways business online is making it much more possible for virtually anyone to find a way to develop a revenue making idea or tap into an existing revenue stream through affiliate revenue programs.

There may not be the dot com boom to experience online anymore, but a respectable side business can be developed with a potential for making this non traditional revenue source more prominent in the facilitation of family wealth management.

From homes in all shapes and sizes business is being done and it is contributing to the betterment of family life around the world. For those who actively pursue online business they are discovering a greater amount of personal satisfaction in their online business pursuits.

Source: http://mas0706.blogspot.com/2012/11/internet-and-business-online-family.html

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Source: http://zelinskyuuearl0.typepad.com/blog/2012/11/internet-and-business-online-mas0706.html

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Source: http://hull83.typepad.com/blog/2012/11/internet-and-business-online-mas0706-zelinskyuuearl0s-blog.html

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Source: http://allisonsuma.blogspot.com/2012/11/internet-and-business-online-mas0706.html

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Source: http://martinhendersonuu.blogspot.com/2012/11/allison-internet-and-business-online.html

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Source: http://jeffrey-nullification.blogspot.com/2012/11/allison-internet-and-business-online.html

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Source: http://farmer2615.typepad.com/blog/2012/11/jeffrey-nullification-allison-internet-and-business-online-mas0706.html

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শনিবার, ১০ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Biden to appear on NBC's 'Parks and Recreation'

FILE - This Nov. 6, 2012 file photo shows Vice President Joe Biden speaking with members of the media in Greenville, Del. Fresh off re-election, Biden will appear on NBC's ?Parks and Recreation? next week. The vice president's office said Biden taped a cameo appearance as himself in July. Biden said on Twitter Thursday that ?my whole family loves the show, and I had a great time doing it.'' (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

FILE - This Nov. 6, 2012 file photo shows Vice President Joe Biden speaking with members of the media in Greenville, Del. Fresh off re-election, Biden will appear on NBC's ?Parks and Recreation? next week. The vice president's office said Biden taped a cameo appearance as himself in July. Biden said on Twitter Thursday that ?my whole family loves the show, and I had a great time doing it.'' (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

(AP) ? Fresh off re-election, Vice President Joe Biden will appear on the NBC sitcom "Parks and Recreation" next Thursday.

The vice president's office said Biden taped a cameo appearance back in July. He said Thursday on Twitter that "my whole family loves the show, and I had a great time doing it."

The show's executive producer told The New York Times that Biden's appearance was taped under strict secrecy. The show was warned that provisions might have to be made to give Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan a similar cameo if word of Biden's participation leaked out before Tuesday's election.

Biden frequently has been mentioned on the show as an object of fascination by lead character Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-11-08-Biden-Parks%20and%20Recreation/id-beaf308e1ce84383980c5d7326bed000

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Public Speaking Tips. Filmed In Zurich During ... - The Creative Penn

by Joanna Penn on November 10, 2012

Speaking is a core part of my business, and I really enjoy sharing my enthusiasm with other people, educating and empowering authors.

Joanna Penn speaking at Zurich Write ConHowever, I get a lot of questions about how to actually do public speaking, as well as how to learn and get speaking appearances.

So here?s a few tips I recorded in Zurich while at Nuance WriteCon last weekend, interspersed with some images of the event. Below the video is a text round-up in case you want to read.

In the video I mention:

  • If you feel nervous, try reframing those feelings as the energy you need for the performance. A teacher of mine, Robert Rabbin calls it ?shakti?, and it helps you perform.
  • Speaking is a kind of performance, and I am 150% me when I speak. I am an energetic speaker but I am not like that all the time. I am an introvert so I need to recharge my energy alone later but the actual event is a performance, but an authentic one.
  • How to get speaking appearances. For me, it?s based on my platform online ? this blog, twitter and word-of-mouth recommendations. I don?t solicit for speaking usually, but I am always open to options!

I am available to speak for 1 hour all the way to multi-day events. Popular topics include self-publishing/independent publishing, online platform building, digital marketing, branding, multimedia and aspects of writing. Audiences are often authors, publishing industry people or small business/ entrepreneurs. More details and testimonials on my speaking page.

?Joanna is the Energiser Bunny of writing, publishing and book marketing? Michelle Beck. Orbis-marketing.com

Do you have any questions or tips about public speaking? Please do share them in the comments below.

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Source: http://www.thecreativepenn.com/2012/11/10/public-speaking-tips/

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Nintendo Wii U unboxing pictures | Digital Trends

Earlier this week Nintendo began the first shipments for its eagerly anticipated new gaming console, the Wii U. Check out some images of what to expect when you get your new console home.

The Wii U is here! Sort of. Nintendo has begun shipments of its new gaming console, a device that is certainly going to be one of the hot items this holiday season. Media outlets around the world have begun to receive their units to test the device, and stores are likely filling their backrooms at this time as well.

We?ll have a full review on the hardware itself next week, along with several of the launch title games, but we wanted to give you a look at what Wii U buyers can expect when they get their new console home and unbox it for the first time.

The Wii U will be available as two bundles: Basic and Deluxe. Basic will set you back $299.99, and the Premium/Deluxe hits $349.99. The Basic model comes with 8GB of storage, while the Deluxe (seen here) comes with all the same cables, as well as 32GB of storage, the Nintendo Land game, a Nintendo Network Premium Subscription, and stands for both the Wii U and GamePad. In all other regards, the systems are identical, just with a different color scheme.

Nintendo also sent along the Wii U Pro Controller, which comes in two colors, black and white.

Check back with us next week for a detailed review of the hardware, as well as plenty of launch coverage for the Wii U.

Source: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/the-wii-u-has-arrived/

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?Pok?mon: Its Our Destiny?

?Pok?mon: Its Our Destiny?

There are but twelve humans who were chosen to be children of Arceus. All of whom will be saviors and guardians to Pok?mon and human alike. Near the days when a terrible evil shall threaten all, these Chosen will be gathered to realize their destinies.


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?I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.?
? Robert Fulghum

?All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland.?
? Jimi Hendrix

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'Star Wars': The Expanded Universe Explained

Did you know that Luke Skywalker eventually got married? Or that Leia had twins with Han and trained as a Jedi? No? That's because it happened in the Expanded Universe. When the world found out what George Lucas, Lucasfilm, and Disney had planned for 2015, one of the first questions that hardcore "Star Wars" fans [...]

Source: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2012/11/08/star-wars-expanded-universe/

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Drinking green tea with starchy food may help lower blood sugar spikes

Drinking green tea with starchy food may help lower blood sugar spikes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 9-Nov-2012
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Contact: Matthew Swayne
Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- An ingredient in green tea that helps reduce blood sugar spikes in mice may lead to new diet strategies for people, according to Penn State food scientists.

Mice fed an antioxidant found in green tea -- epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG -- and corn starch had a significant reduction in increase in their blood sugar -- blood glucose -- levels compared to mice that were not fed the compound, according to Joshua Lambert, assistant professor of food science in agricultural sciences.

"The spike in blood glucose level is about 50 percent lower than the increase in the blood glucose level of mice that were not fed EGCG," Lambert said.

The dose of EGCG fed to the mice was equivalent to about one and a half cups of green tea for a human.

Lambert, who worked with Sarah C. Forester, postdoctoral fellow, and Yeyi Gu, graduate student, both in food science, said EGCG was most effective when the compound was fed to the mice simultaneously with corn starch. For humans, this may mean that green tea could help them control the typical blood sugar increases that are brought on when they eat starchy foods, like breads and bagels that are often a part of typical breakfasts.

"If what you are eating with your tea has starch in it then you might see that beneficial effect," Lambert said. "So, for example, if you have green tea with your bagel for breakfast, it may reduce the spike in blood glucose levels that you would normally get from that food."

The EGCG had no significant effect on blood sugar spikes in mice that were fed glucose or maltose, according to the researchers who released their findings in the online version of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Lambert said that the reason blood sugar spikes are reduced when the mice ate starch, but not these sugars, may be related to the way the body converts starch into sugar.

An enzyme called alpha-amylase that is produced in both the mouth and by the pancreas helps break down starch into maltose and glucose. EGCG may inhibit the enzymes ability to break down the starch, the researchers indicated, since they also found that EGCG reduced the activity of alpha amylase in the pancreas by 34 percent.

If the mechanism holds in humans, this may mean that people who want to limit the blood sugar spike should skip adding sugar to their cup of green tea.

"That may mean that if you add sugar into your green tea, that might negate the effect that the green tea will have on limiting the rise in blood glucose level," Lambert said.

Lambert added that the green tea and the starch would need to be consumed simultaneously. For example, drinking a cup of tea well after eating a piece of toast would probably not change the blood sugar spike.

For the study, researchers separated mice into several groups based on body weight. After a fasting period, the mice were given common corn starch, maltose, or sucrose. One group of mice received EGCG along with the feed, while a control group was not fed the compound.

The researchers then tested the blood sugar levels of both groups.

Lambert said the researchers next step is to test the compound on people.

"The relatively low effective dose of EGCG makes a compelling case for studies in human subjects," the researchers said.


The National Institutes of Health supported this work.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Drinking green tea with starchy food may help lower blood sugar spikes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 9-Nov-2012
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Contact: Matthew Swayne
Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- An ingredient in green tea that helps reduce blood sugar spikes in mice may lead to new diet strategies for people, according to Penn State food scientists.

Mice fed an antioxidant found in green tea -- epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG -- and corn starch had a significant reduction in increase in their blood sugar -- blood glucose -- levels compared to mice that were not fed the compound, according to Joshua Lambert, assistant professor of food science in agricultural sciences.

"The spike in blood glucose level is about 50 percent lower than the increase in the blood glucose level of mice that were not fed EGCG," Lambert said.

The dose of EGCG fed to the mice was equivalent to about one and a half cups of green tea for a human.

Lambert, who worked with Sarah C. Forester, postdoctoral fellow, and Yeyi Gu, graduate student, both in food science, said EGCG was most effective when the compound was fed to the mice simultaneously with corn starch. For humans, this may mean that green tea could help them control the typical blood sugar increases that are brought on when they eat starchy foods, like breads and bagels that are often a part of typical breakfasts.

"If what you are eating with your tea has starch in it then you might see that beneficial effect," Lambert said. "So, for example, if you have green tea with your bagel for breakfast, it may reduce the spike in blood glucose levels that you would normally get from that food."

The EGCG had no significant effect on blood sugar spikes in mice that were fed glucose or maltose, according to the researchers who released their findings in the online version of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Lambert said that the reason blood sugar spikes are reduced when the mice ate starch, but not these sugars, may be related to the way the body converts starch into sugar.

An enzyme called alpha-amylase that is produced in both the mouth and by the pancreas helps break down starch into maltose and glucose. EGCG may inhibit the enzymes ability to break down the starch, the researchers indicated, since they also found that EGCG reduced the activity of alpha amylase in the pancreas by 34 percent.

If the mechanism holds in humans, this may mean that people who want to limit the blood sugar spike should skip adding sugar to their cup of green tea.

"That may mean that if you add sugar into your green tea, that might negate the effect that the green tea will have on limiting the rise in blood glucose level," Lambert said.

Lambert added that the green tea and the starch would need to be consumed simultaneously. For example, drinking a cup of tea well after eating a piece of toast would probably not change the blood sugar spike.

For the study, researchers separated mice into several groups based on body weight. After a fasting period, the mice were given common corn starch, maltose, or sucrose. One group of mice received EGCG along with the feed, while a control group was not fed the compound.

The researchers then tested the blood sugar levels of both groups.

Lambert said the researchers next step is to test the compound on people.

"The relatively low effective dose of EGCG makes a compelling case for studies in human subjects," the researchers said.


The National Institutes of Health supported this work.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-11/ps-dgt110812.php

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শুক্রবার, ৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Chernobyl cleanup workers had significantly increased risk of leukemia

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A 20-year study following 110,645 workers who helped clean up after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in the former Soviet territory of Ukraine shows that the workers share a significant increased risk of developing leukemia. The results may help scientists better define cancer risk associated with low doses of radiation from medical diagnostic radiation procedures such as computed tomography scans and other sources.

In the journal Environmental Health Perspectives this week, an international team led by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the Chernobyl Research Unit at the Radiation Epidemiology Branch of the National Cancer Institute describes the increased risks of leukemia among these workers between 1986 and 2006. The risk included a greater-than-expected number of cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which many experts did not consider to be associated with radiation exposure in the past.

The new work is the largest and longest study to date involving Chernobyl cleanup workers who worked at or near the nuclear complex in the aftermath of the accident.

Overall, there were 137 cases of leukemia among the workers over the 20-year span of the study, and 16 percent of those cancers were attributable to the Chernobyl radiation exposure, the team found.

The findings shed light on the thorny issue of estimating cancer risk from low doses of radiation ? an issue of importance to miners, nuclear workers and anyone who is chronically exposed to low levels of radiation at work or patients who receive sizeable radiation doses when undergoing medical diagnostic tests.

"Low doses of radiation are important," said the lead researcher Lydia Zablotska, MD, PhD, an associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF. "We want to raise awareness of that."

Worst Nuclear Accident of All Time

The nearly 111,000 Ukrainian workers in the study were among the more than 500,000 former Soviets who worked directly on the front lines in the aftermath of Chernobyl disaster, which was the worst nuclear accident of the 20th century followed by the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan.

It began in the early morning hours of April 26, 1986 when a planned test of a backup system for operating cooling pumps went awry. A combination of human error and unsafe reactor design led to the runaway production of heat in Chernobyl's Reactor No. 4, which quickly caused two massive explosions, ruptured the reactor, crumbled the building, exposed the nuclear core, rained radioactive debris around the compound and spread fallout through the atmosphere over the Soviet Union and Europe.

Many of the Ukrainian workers were exposed to high levels of radiation because they were part of the teams that helped sweep up contaminated debris from the immediate area ? much of which was highly radioactive. Some of them, in fact, reached lifetime limits of radiation exposure within a matter of a few hours.

Although an elevated radiation-related risk of leukemia was not surprising, given the level of exposure among many of these workers, what did surprise Zablotska and her colleagues was the elevated risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which was similar in size to the risk estimated for non-CLL leukemia.

Leukemia and Low-Dose Radiation

For many years, doctors have known that ionizing radiation from an X-ray source or produced by the decay of radioactive elements can cause leukemia, because it can penetrate the body, expose bone marrow to the radiation and damage DNA. But while scientists have understood this basic mechanism for decades, the question of how much leukemia risk is associated with moderate or low doses of radiation has been hard to answer.

For many years, the best estimates came from long-term studies involving survivors of the 1945 atomic bomb detonations over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War II. People in the immediate vicinity of the blasts were exposed to various levels of radiation, and in the decades afterward, their health was monitored and the increase in cancer tracked.

From those assessments of cancer risk, scientists estimated risks from lower doses by extrapolating the data down. But there have always been problems with this approach, said Zablotska. Atomic bomb survivors were bathed in gamma or neutron rays, while someone who undergoes a CT scan in the U.S. is exposed to X-rays, a different type of radiation. Moreover, extrapolating risks for Japanese population to Western population is further confounded by differences in genetics, lifestyle and diet between the two.

The new work helps to bridge this gap because the doses received by the Ukrainian cleanup workers falls somewhere in between the high level received by the Japanese atomic bomb victims and the lower levels received by people who undergo extensive medical scans.

It also challenges the idea that chronic lymphocytic leukemia is not linked to radiation exposure ? something that earlier studies of atomic bomb survivors had seemed to support.

The genetic makeup of the Japanese population may have hidden any increased risk, Zablotska said, because they are much less likely to develop this type of cancer anyway. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia accounts for only 3 percent of all cases of leukemia in Japan ? as opposed to about one-third of all leukemia cases in the U.S. and 40 percent of all cases of leukemia in Ukraine.


University of California - San Francisco: http://www.ucsf.edu

Thanks to University of California - San Francisco for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 40 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/125163/Chernobyl_cleanup_workers_had_significantly_increased_risk_of_leukemia

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Content Isn't King ? It's a Foot Soldier | Business 2 Community

From the earliest days of the Internet, when I was busy building newspaper websites armed only with a 14k modem and a well-thumbed copy of HTML for Dummies, I?ve heard the phrase ?Content is King? being bandied around as if it was the solution to all known online marketing problems.

I?m a great believer in the power of content marketing. Great content should be the foundation of any online marketing strategy. Without relevant, engaging and timely content your email marketing, social media marketing, SEO, PR and even paid search campaigns are destined to fail. But, I believe placing your content high up on a throne is the wrong approach.

Content is perhaps the most important investment any marketer can make in promoting their brand and driving sales. But you need to make your content work a little harder than the stereotypical monarch, shouting out orders and appearing regal. Your content will not work if it is aloof, impartial or positioned as an edict from above.

Instead, you should think of your content as a foot soldier. It should be powerful, persuasive and have the common touch, but also be disciplined, polished and ready to deploy rapidly.

Just as soldiers are deployed in regiments, your content should be distributed with a specialist focus across the various channels you hope to engage your customers and prospects with.

8 Content Marketing Foot Soldiers

The Corporate Blog: I cannot stress this enough, if your business doesn?t have a blog, you don?t have a content marketing strategy. Your blog will provide a hub to hang all your other content marketing strategies from (including but not limited to: SEO, PR, Video, Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing). You should look to deploy a blog before you attempt to fire any other weapon in your marketing arsenal.

Email Marketing: The ultimate marketing resource for winning hearts and minds and attracting repeat business. Email marketing works best when it is highly targeted and can be acted on quickly and efficiently. Keep your email marketing campaigns clean and focused and adopt an agile approach to delivery and they will be rewarded with the highest engagement and ROI of any online marketing technique.

Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. have the power to take your brand to the people. Primarily, it is an engagement tool putting your brand at the heart of your followers? conversations, but it is also a valuable customer service (peace keeping) tool and will help you position and drive traffic to your blog, email marketing and other content-led collateral.

News Releases: An online news release distributed via a service like PRWeb has the potential to reach new customers far beyond the reach of your email marketing lists and social media following. An essential tool for SEO, online news releases work best when delivered as part of an ongoing campaign (planned in a similar fashion to your email marketing).

Reviews/Comments/Forums: You don?t have to pen every word yourself to see a positive return from content marketing. Customer reviews, blog comments and forum posts provide a wide range of user generated content that will help you build community around your brand and enhance your SEO efforts.

Video: For many people, it is much easier to watch a video than read a page full of text. Video can be embedded on your blog, distributed via your social media activity and distributed widely via sites like YouTube. Online videos can be shot very quickly with inexpensive equipment. Keep your videos short and to the point and give a degree of thought to your script, location and camera angles before you start shooting.

White Papers: The ultimate lead generating/thought leadership marketing platform. White papers will help you build your email marketing lists, provide great (abridged) content for your social media activity, online news releases and blogged content.

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GOP sees limited results in governors' races

ST. LOUIS (AP) ? Republicans poured tens of millions of dollars into an effort to gain control of more governors' offices across the country, but the party saw limited results, managing only to wrest North Carolina from Democrats for the first time in two decades.

Democrats fended off GOP challengers in governorship races in Missouri, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Delaware and Vermont.

Votes in Washington and Montana ? two states with open races for governor now occupied by outgoing Democrats ? were still being tallied early Wednesday.

Former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory's victory Tuesday in North Carolina came two years after Republicans snatched six governors' offices in the midterm elections. Those victories gave the party 29 governorships to 20 for Democrats and one independent going into the latest elections.

Republicans remained at the top of state government in North Dakota, Utah and Indiana.

When all the ballots are counted, Republicans could have as many as 32 governorships ? a number the party has not achieved since the 1990s.

But the GOP's successes remained somewhat muted early Wednesday, despite the victory by McCrory, who defeated Democratic Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton to become North Carolina's first GOP chief executive since early 1993. McCrory narrowly lost his gubernatorial bid in 2008 to Democrat Beverly Perdue, who opted not to run this year.

To the Republican Governors Association's chairman, Bob McDonnell, that modest gain was notable.

"There's no doubt that the Republican Party's strength comes from the states, and the RGA's ability to expand our majority provides optimism for the future," McDonnell said.

Indiana voters went with Republican Mike Pence, a 12-year congressman who defeated Democrat John Gregg and Libertarian Rupert Boneham to succeed GOP Gov. Mitch Daniels, who is barred by state law from seeking a third term.

Democratic governors are leaving office in North Carolina, Montana, New Hampshire and Washington ? a fact that stirred Republican hopes that at least some of those offices could be flipped to the GOP.

If Republican candidate Rob McKenna is elected in Washington, he will be the state's first GOP governor in more than three decades.

Chief executives of conservative North Dakota and Utah stayed in the Republican column with Tuesday's re-elections of popular incumbents. They included Jack Dalrymple, who took over two years ago in North Dakota when John Hoeven resigned to move to the Senate. Dalrymple won his first full term, defeating rancher and Democratic state Sen. Ryan Taylor.

In Missouri, Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon won a second term on a night the state's electoral votes went to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who failed to block President Barack Obama from winning a second term. Nixon turned back a challenge from Republican St. Louis businessman Dave Spence in a race that attracted millions of dollars from political groups.

While federal elections often can be referendums on the national economy, statewide races are often decided by matters unique to those states, including whether voters like and trust a certain candidate, a national political observer said Monday.

"The races for governor and races for senator are high-profile for each state, and the outcomes will be determined largely by the personalities of those candidates and the issues in those states," said David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

Kate Hansen, a Democratic Governors Association spokeswoman, said 2012 was a difficult year for Democrats, since they have more seats to defend.

But in at least three states, Democrats easily prevailed. Gov. Peter Shumlin won another term in Vermont, Gov. Jack Markell did the same in Delaware and state Sen. Maggie Hassan was elected to lead New Hampshire.

Some observers have suggested there isn't necessarily a national tide lifting Republicans in governor's races so much as individual circumstances in a small number of competitive states. Democrats in North Carolina, for example, saw a former governor convicted of a felony in 2010 and the current governor sullied by an investigation that led to charges against her former campaign aides.

Republicans have also been aided by a cash advantage, with the Republican Governors Association raising about twice as much as its Democratic counterpart this election cycle.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/gop-sees-limited-results-governors-races-100921851--election.html

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