রবিবার, ২১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

iMore show. Tonight. 9pm ET/6pm PT. Be here.

The iMore show returns tonight with very special guest Guy English of Kickingbear, Cingleton, and Napkin fame. We'll be talking about the just-complete ?2 Symposium, how scaling impacts Apple, developers, and users, and pantsing the quarterback. Join us LIVE at 6pm PT, 9pm ET, 2am BST. Set an alarm. Bookmark this page. Be here.

Want to go full screen? Head to iMore.com/live. Want to watch via iPhone or iPad? Grab the Ustream app and search for "mobilenations"!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/nbwZsc-xuh8/story01.htm

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সোমবার, ১৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

The Frager Factor: Guest Post- Chandra Littler: How To Flip Domains

Over the last decade, the best marketplaces for buying and selling products were created by the as a result of the Internet. Domain flipping is one of such marketplaces that has grown into a big industry.?

When you purchase or sell a domain name online, it can be seen as doing business within the online real estate world. It can be called the longest running type of business on the Internet because people will always want it. As long as the Internet is still operational, people will continue flip domain names.?

So the question is, can you become a part of the domain flipping world too and be successful? The answer is a resounding yes.So in that spirit, here are numerous important points regarding Net Space Profits you may appreciate knowing.

Creating a successful business will require that you move away from the way that you are used to doing business and be willing to take on new challenges. You must be willing to do things that you have not attempted before in order to be successful. This is why it is of the utmost importance that you can handle a few risks when you flip domain names for a profit.?

You will not get a profit on everything that you deal with. Obviously, you will have a few failed ventures. But to actually hit a jackpot, you will have to go through a rough road at times. When you both understand and accept this fact, it will not be so difficult. You stop looking at failures as something bad, and instead start enjoying the process. But again, by taking risks here we definitely aren't talking about taking any stupid decisions. Instead, this consists of taking smart chances and thinking about your next move in order to get the best ROI.

As a domain flipper, you should always be aware of the latest tech developments so that you know what's hot in the market. Be certain that you are a member of the forums and visit the major blogs of the technology industry. What is the big fuss about technology? This is where you will find the items that end up with the best domain names.?

Be careful about trademark domains and registration. There is so much for you to learn about Traffic Player Review, and we certainly can guide you in this area.

Be on the lookout for discounts or special offers that can keep costs down. Many registrars will have cheaper prices during certain times. Continue to monitor these types of deals because as the owner of a domain flipping business, you should be very interested in finding applicable deals for your business.?

How would you feel knowing that you found a domain name that only cost a dollar and then sold it for loads of cash? This is doable, if done at the right time and place. Subscribe to all the registrars so that that you're updated about any offers coming up. Also, you can keep an eye on the different websites that watch the registrars and see if they might have different coupons to hand out.

It should not be that hard to be successful at flipping domain names if you make the right moves in the beginning and always work hard. You must monitor and move with the market and make the right moves when obtaining domain names that are valuable. Do not worry about be new because the goal is to make it one day. The beginning may seem to be a little difficult and the road to domain riches may look bumpy, but that's exactly where you should be heading if you want to turn it into a thriving business.

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Guest Post- Chandra Littler: How To Flip Domains

Source: http://fragerfactor.blogspot.com/2012/10/guest-post-chandra-littler-how-to-flip.html

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Kiss Me Goodnight

Kiss Me Goodnight

Summer is about having parties, living at the beach, and love. For 10 teens, this is true, and this is their story.


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Salmonella fear spurs firm to recall dog treats

(AP) ? A pet food company is voluntarily recalling dog treats that could be contaminated with salmonella.

Nature's Recipe announced Saturday the recall of a limited supply of its "Nature's Recipe Oven Baked Biscuits with Real Chicken," which were manufactured at its plant in Topeka, Kan., and distributed nationally ? primarily through pet specialty retailers.

The company says the product has the potential to be contaminated with salmonella, which can affect animals eating the products and pose a risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products.

Nature's Recipe officials say no pet or human illnesses have been reported, but suggest that pet owners monitor themselves and their dogs for signs of salmonella and seek medical care if symptoms worsen.

The company says the recall is precautionary, and advises consumers who bought the recalled treats to discard them immediately.

The recalled treats were sold in 19-ounce stand-up resealable pouches. The products included in the recall are marked with the Lot Codes 2199TP or 2200TP and a UPC Code of 30521 51549. The pouches also have a "Best If Used By Date" stamp of "10 11 13" and "10 12 13."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-10-13-Dog%20Treat%20Recall/id-f903ae57ccc74a27b869943371d09ba9

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রবিবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Tough Enough Nutrition and Fitness: Nut Butter Recipe : Potential ...

Health Benefits of Nuts
According to the USDA 37% of the US population has some form of cardiovascular disease. High risk factors for CVD are high cholesterol, lipids, hypertension, high sodium/fat diet, overweight/obesity, tobacco use etc. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests utilizing nutrient dense foods versus empty calorie foods such as soda, candy, french fries etc. ?Nutrient dense foods are suggested to be high in vitamins and minerals, low in solid fats, added sugars, and added refined grains.?

?Many people have come to me stating they avoid eating nuts due to there high calorie and high fat content. Believe it or not, nuts are considered a nutrient dense food and suggested (in moderation) by the USDA nutritional guidelines in a healthful diet to REPLACE some animal based protein.??In moderation it is suggested through scientific study that mixed nut consumption can protect against cardiovascular disease and potentially other chronic disease states. This is further supported by a study on the health benefits of nuts published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2006. ?Walnuts, chestnuts, and pecans are also suggested to have the highest antioxidant content of all the nuts. ?

The fat in plant based foods (including nuts and legumes) are considered oils not solid fats. One ounce of nuts ranges from 150-200 calories. Often one serving of a nut butter is equal to 2tbs and 200 calories (1tbs= 80-100cal). ?Nuts are nutrient dense and a food where a little goes a long way. ?For adults it is suggested the typical diet be composed of 45-65% carbs, 10-35% protein, and 20-35% fats. Fats supply calories as well as fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) necessary for many life processes. Animal fats include cholesterol and tend to be higher in saturated fats vs. monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. ?

With the mention of antioxidants I felt it may be beneficial to explain what they are. Antioxidants are "substances that are capable of counteracting the damaging, but normal, effects of the physiological process of oxidation in animal tissue. Antioxidants are nutrients and enzymes that are believed to play a role in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis etc." - Discovery Health. Nutrients known for their antioxidant properties include vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), beta-caretene (from Vit A), and selenium.

High Antioxidant Food List

Vitamin E:?vegetable oils, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, seeds, olives, avocado, wheat germ, liver, and leafy green vegetables.
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cantaloupe, and strawberries.
Beta-Carotene: Think orange/yellow foods such as?cantaloupe, mangoes, papaya, pumpkin, peppers, spinach, kale, squash, sweet potatoes, and apricots.
Selenium?in seafood, beef, pork, chicken, Brazil nuts, brown rice, and whole wheat bread

What are phytochemicals? Phytochemicals occur naturally in many plants, including?in grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.?Many plant based foods are being studied for their potential antioxidant health benefits due to being suggested to have chronic disease preventive properties. ?The following table is from Discovery Health to specify different phytochemicals and their food sources.

Food source
Allyl sulfides
Onions, garlic, leeks, chives
Carotenoids?(e.g., lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin)
Tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, kale, spinach
Flavonoids?(e.g., anthocyanins, resveratrol, quercitin, catechins)
Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, apples, grapefruit, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries
Green leafy vegetables
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy
Isoflavones?(e.g., genistein, daidzeins)
Legumes (peas, soybeans)
Isothiocyanates?(e.g., sulforaphane)
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy
Seeds (flax seeds, sunflower seeds)
Citrus fruit peels, cherries, nuts
Phytic acid
Whole grains, legumes
Phenols, polyphenols, phenolic compounds?(e.g., ellagic acid, ferulic acid, tannins)
Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, grapefruit, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, tea
Beans, legumes
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Chart from Discovery Health?

With this all being said, foods high in antioxidants and phytochemicals are beneficial to add to the diet but there are studies with conflicting results in regards to supplementation.?Encourage high antioxidant foods within your diet vs additional supplementation. My?favorite Dietitian phrase is "moderation is key." The best healthful diet overall is to have a mixture of colorful fruits, vegetables, low fat/lean proteins, whole grains, and nuts with low sodium, low added sugars, and limited refined grains. Variation is a powerful thing. ?Try to include less processed foods and move towards a more clean and natural foods approach is beneficial. ?

I have been annoying my husband all day by saying "WOW this is blowing my mind!!! I cant believe this it. This is really all you have to do to make peanut butter! Really? this is it? And yes...really...this is all you do...it is extremely easy. ?By making your own peanut butter you know exactly where the nuts are coming from, what it is being made with, and are in control of any special flavorings or added oils.



What you need:

2C of peanuts - or any nut of your choice (you can either purchase them roasted or roast them slightly in the oven/brown them lightly in a saute pan)
A Food Processor


Add the nuts to the food processor. Start by utilizing the chop setting, then mix, then puree. Gradually adding more speed for a more fine texture. Once the nut butter is to your preferred consistency think about adding neat flavors ex: all spice, cloves, raisins, dried apples, orange zest, cinnamon, vanilla, cayenne, honey, agave, molasses etc. This process took about a total of 10 minutes. ?No added oil is necessary to make a nut butter. The natural oils in the nuts are released through the processing and are adequate to make a spreadable texture. It does get to a point where it looks like a cement ball...keep chopping...it will smooth out.


(1 Tbsp)(g)(g)(mg)(mg)
Almond butter1012.49.5430.5
Cashew butter932.8870.8
Hazelnut butter9429.5N/AN/A
Peanut butter - natural943.8870.4
Peanut butter - reduced fat9546N/A0.4
Sunflower butter8037N/AN/A
Soy butter (sweetened)8545.550N/A
Soy butter (unsweetened)8046.530N/A
Soy-peanut butter (added sweetener)5021.240N/A
Chart from the Vegetarian Journal?http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2001nov/2001novnuts.htm

  • "Is Peanut Butter Healthy?"?http://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/Is-peanut-butter-healthy?
  • Blomhoff R., Carlsen M., Anderson L., Jacobs D., "Health Benefits of Nuts: Potential Role of Antioxidants," British Journal of Nutrition, Vol 96, Nov 2006, p52-60
  • Discovery Health "Antioxidants: What you need to know" http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/facts/antioxidant1.htm
  • American Cancer Society "Phytochemicals" http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/TreatmentsandSideEffects/ComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine/HerbsVitaminsandMinerals/phytochemicals
  • Nut Serving Size?http://www.choosemyplate.gov/food-groups/food_library/proteinfoods/peanuts.html
  • The Vegetarian Resource Group, "Guide To Nuts and Nut Butters," Vegetarian Journal, Nov 2001?http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2001nov/2001novnuts.htm

Source: http://www.toughenoughnutritionandfitness.com/2012/10/nut-butter-recipe-potential-health.html

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Prehistoric 'Kennewick Man' Was All Beefcake

Forensic artists think this is what Kennewick Man looked like. Enlarge Brittney Tatchell/Courtesy of Doug Owsley

Forensic artists think this is what Kennewick Man looked like.

Brittney Tatchell/Courtesy of Doug Owsley

Forensic artists think this is what Kennewick Man looked like.

For nearly a decade, scientists and Northwest tribes in Washington state fought bitterly over whether to bury or study the 9,500-year-old bones known as Kennewick Man. Scientists won the battle, and now, after years of careful examination, they're releasing some of their findings.

For starters, Kennewick Man was buff. I mean, really beefcake. So says Doug Owsley, head of physical anthropology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and the man who led the study of the ancient remains.

Owsley can read the bones like we might read a book. He looks for ridge lines that indicate which muscles Kennewick Man used the most, and what he was doing with them. First off? He had muscular legs like a soccer player ? likely from running, trudging and hunting.

"In his leg structure, he's certainly accustomed to very rapid movement, quick movement, and you can read that in those muscle ridges," says Owsley.

He also likely had killer arms from throwing a tricky kind of spear. Owsley says Kennewick Man was so strong in his right arm, he was like a pro baseball pitcher, and the bones show he got today's equivalent of a career-ending sports injury.

"If it happened to a contemporary baseball pitcher, they'd need surgery," says Owsley. The injury, he says, "took off a piece of bone off the back side of the shoulder joint."

Owsley says Kennewick Man stood about 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighed about 170 pounds. And he wasn't any stranger to pain. K-Man, as he's known in eastern Washington, got hit on the head a few times and was stabbed with a basalt rock point that got stuck in his hip.

Owsley's research includes this big revelation: Kennewick Man lived on the coast, not inland, where his bones were found. The scientists can tell from tiny bits of his bones and the enamel on his teeth that he ate mostly marine animals, like seals.

Forensic artists also came up with a new sculpture of Kennewick Man. Owsley gets a little speechless when he thinks about that moment when he first looked Kennewick Man in the face.

"He's so lifelike," Owsley says. "And when you look at those eyes ? those eyes have such a piercing glare. I think this man has a story to tell us."

Owsley plans to release a scientific text on K-man soon.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2012/10/12/162795379/prehistoric-kennewick-man-was-all-beefcake?ft=1&f=1007

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Sierra Writers ? November Speaker ? Stephanie Chandler

Stephanie Chandler, Author

Stephanie Chandler

Own Your Niche on the Internet and Beyond: Simple Strategies to Build Your Audience and Sell More Books


WHO:?Stephanie Chandler,?author of several books including?Own Your Niche

WHAT:?Sierra Writers

WHEN: Wednesday, November 14, 6:30 p.m.,

WHERE: Madelyn Helling Library Community Room, Nevada City

COST: No charge, open to the public

Sierra Writers is pleased to announce its November speaker, Stephanie Chandler, presenting Own Your Niche on the Internet and Beyond: Simple Strategies to Build Your Audience and Sell More Books. Before self-publishing her first book, Stephanie Chandler decided to build an audience online. The success of that effort led to book contracts with several traditional publishers, corporate sponsorships, major media coverage, product sales, and a variety of other opportunities. In this content-rich presentation, she shares the lessons that authors can use to effectively build an audience online.

Stephanie Chandler is the author of several books including Own Your Niche: Hype-Free Internet Marketing Tactics to Establish Authority in Your Field and Promote Your Service-Based Business, Booked Up! How to Write, Publish, and Promote a Book to Grow Your Business, From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks and Information Products, and The Author?s Guide to Building an Online Platform: Leveraging the Internet to Sell More Books. Stephanie is also founder and CEO of http://AuthorityPublishing.com, specializing in custom publishing for nonfiction books and social media marketing services, and http://BusinessInfoGuide.com, a directory of resources for entrepreneurs. A frequent speaker at business events and on the radio, she has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, BusinessWeek, Inc.com, Wired magazine, and she is a contributing blogger for Forbes.

Source: http://sierrawriters.org/2012/10/november-speaker-stephanie-chandler/

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Supersolidity loses its luster

One of the most exciting physics discoveries in recent years may not be a discovery after all. Reports of ?supersolidity,? in which solid helium flows through itself without friction, may turn out be something far more ordinary: the everyday stiffening of a material.

This new conclusion comes from the same scientist who in 2004 first reported evidence for supersolidity. Now, in a paper published October 8 in Physical Review Letters, Moses Chan of Penn State says he has repeated that original experiment, eliminating more possible sources of experimental error and saw no hints of supersolidity.

?It would have been neat if the phenomenon holds up,? Chan says. But instead, he says, he feels ?a sense of disappointment.?

A discovery of supersolidity would be the stuff Nobel Prizes are made of. Superfluids are quantum liquids that flow according to unusual rules, such as up and over the sides of a container; supersolids would be the solid equivalent, in which atoms somehow leave their crystalline lattice and flow effortlessly within it.

Chan?s original experiment, done with Eunseong Kim, looked for traces of how this supersolid flow might affect the twisting movement of a cylinder. They filled a glass cylinder with solid helium and set it twisting back and forth, like a merry-go-round going first one way and then the other. Chan and Kim chilled the apparatus down and saw the cylinder begin to twist a whole lot faster. They concluded that some of the helium had begun to flow as a supersolid, essentially releasing its hold on the material around it and causing the inertia ? the resistance to change in motion ? to drop.

Later, other similar experiments seemed to confirm this finding (SN: 9/11/10, p. 22). But big questions remained, such as why some lab groups saw a large effect and others a small one. ?It was continually surprising to those of us working in the field just how hard it was to confirm or disprove the existence of supersolidity,? says John Beamish, a physicist at the University of Alberta in Canada. ?Every year we expected everything to be clear very soon.?

Work by Beamish and others suggested that helium?s odd behavior happened not when the helium crystals were perfect, but rather when they were marred by structural imperfections that moved around within the material. It now looks as if that sliding causes the material to stiffen in ways that mimic (but are not) supersolidity.

In his original experiment, Chan did as much as he could to reduce such unwanted effects, but in the end he decided to redesign the cylinder from scratch to be sure. The problem turned out to be a small gap between the glass cylinder and a metal plate at the bottom of the container, where solid helium puddled and threw off the measurements. Scientists had thought Chan?s gap was too small to be much of a problem, but the effect is actually magnified in a small space, says Beamish.

The moving imperfections turn out to be a new quantum phenomenon of their own, says S?bastien Balibar, a physicist at the ?cole Normal Sup?rieure in Paris. ?Not only do we understand it now as a spectacular manifestation of a fundamental phenomenon in material science, it is also the most likely interpretation of the so-called ?supersolidity,? ? he says.

Several other recent studies had also suggested that stiffening, not supersolidity, might be at work. But a few experiments, including one done by Kim at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejeon, can?t quite be explained away just yet.

Balibar, for one, is still holding out a little hope for supersolidity. ?I bet that in 10 years they discover it,? he says. ?But it?s a risky bet.?

L. Sanders. Evidence mounts for an exotic supersolid. Science News, Vol. 175, April 11, 2009, p. 13. Available online: [Go to]

P. Weiss. A solid like no other. Science News, Vol. 165, January 17, 2004, p. 35. Available online: [Go to]

A. Witze. A matter of solidity. Science News, Vol. 178, September 11, 2010, p. 22. Available online: [Go to]

Source: http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/345721/title/Supersolidity_loses_its_luster

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শনিবার, ১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Spotting a trend in the genes: Three genes that cause cancer and disease in humans also 'paint' spots on butts of fruit flies

ScienceDaily (Oct. 12, 2012) ? Spots on the butts of fruit flies are really, really small. But what a researcher and his graduate student are discovering about them could be gigantic.

Thomas Werner, assistant professor of biological sciences at Michigan Technological University, and his PhD student, Komal Kumar Bollepogu Raja, have discovered that three genes that cause cancer and disease in humans also "paint" the spots on the fly's body. This discovery could enable researchers to study how those genes work in fruit flies and apply that knowledge to treating cancer in people.

"The last common ancestor of man and fruit flies lived about 600 million years ago," says Werner. "All the genes needed to build a body were already present in that ancestor, and today we still share virtually all of our body-building genes with fruit flies. This is why we are able to study human diseases like cancer in fruit flies."

Werner and Raja are interested in how DNA encodes body forms and patterns in animals. They use color patterns as a model.

They've made strong connections between developed spots and three genes, all of which have cancer- and disease-causing counterparts in humans. Thus, the abdominal spots of this tiny fruit fly could be a great model for understanding genetic pathways that cause cancer.

"We are looking here at proto-oncogenes, which are cancer genes that cause disease when they are active in an uncontrolled manner," Werner explains. "Both humans and flies have them, and in flies they learned to paint black spots on the abdomen."

This reveals that old genes can learn new tricks; they just need to become part of a new genetic pathway, like, in this case, adding designer patterns to a boring garment. "And you get your evolutionary novelty without having to invent new genes," Werner says.

Werner's been down this research road before. He introduced stripes onto the spotted wings of fruit flies ("from a leopard to a zebra"), showing that a certain cancer gene is sufficient to induce pigment patterns on Drosophila wings, and landed on the cover of Nature, one of the leading scientific journals in the world. The magazine's cover hangs in his office.

"Now we want to use our new methods to find out how the abdominal pigment pattern is generated, and how it is encoded in DNA," says Raja."

The genes that seem to paint the pigment spots on the abdomen are important for other reasons, Werner says. Some of them have additional roles in defining the head-to-tail axis in animals and are crucial for the proper development of the vertebrae in humans. If these genes misbehave during the development of the human embryo, gross disabilities or embryonic death will occur.

"Many diseases like cancer and vertebra-related disabilities are caused by the 'misbehavior' of genes, when they are expressed at times and places or in amounts they are not supposed to be," Werner says. "Our work focuses on understanding how the cancer- and disease-causing genes in the fruit fly are regulated, and how they regulate their downstream target genes."

The biggest promise for the future, however, involves those three "bad" genes. By studying them, Werner and Raja believe they can identify targets for gene therapies against cancer and genetically inherited developmental defects.

Targeting these genes when they start misbehaving could lead to happier and healthier tomorrows for many people: a grand result from research on miniscule flies.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Michigan Technological University. The original article was written by Dennis Walikainen.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/strange_science/~3/dsUIcpGq1jk/121012143746.htm

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Great Penny Stocks

Great Profits with Great Penny Stocks

Although it may seem impossible, sometimes, to find great penny stocks, investors should not become discouraged. People earn impressive profits every day from penny stocks, proving that money can be made from these risky investments. Individuals who have trouble dealing with risk should avoid investing in penny stocks because of the volatility involved in them. Slow and steady income is enough to keep these investors happy. However, those who are interested in giving their portfolios a boost should continue to work with penny stocks to find the best and most lucrative investments. Most investors will find that successful penny stock investing involves some initial loss, but they will also find that few other investments give them the potential for such large profits.

Going Against Expectations

Great penny stocks are those that defy expectations. Penny stocks are valued so low because they are associated with companies that are not expected to perform well. As a result, the stocks are placed on the market at bargain prices. Realistically, investors should be aware that most penny stocks are worthless, and they will lose money. However, some of the most successful investors of the last decade have been those who used penny stocks to their advantage. Great penny stocks may be difficult to find, but they are extremely rewarding for those who dedicate themselves to finding them.

Hard Work and Dedication to Find Great Penny Stocks

The best way to find the most valuable penny stocks is to use common sense along with tips and advice from experts. Most people will lose money on their initial penny stock investments, and many of them will become discouraged. Those who are able to handle some initial losses while integrating expert tips into their strategies will find that patience and diligence often pay off. Though it may take some time to find great penny stocks, the profits associated with them are worth the effort it takes to locate them.

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Source: http://www.stockrockandroll.com/stocks-tips/locating-great-penny-stocks-in-a-sea-of-risky-investments/

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China Nobel winner Mo Yan calls for jailed laureate's freedom

GAOMI, China (Reuters) - Chinese Nobel Literature Prize winner Mo Yan unexpectedly called for the release of jailed compatriot Liu Xiaobo, who won the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago, having come under fire from rights activists for not speaking up for him.

The author, a portly 57-year-old whose adopted pen name Mo Yan means "don't speak", said he had read some of Liu's literary criticisms in the 1980s, but that he had no understanding of Liu's work once it had turned towards politics.

"I hope he can achieve his freedom as soon as possible," Mo told reporters on Friday in his hometown of Gaomi in the northern province of Shandong, in bold remarks likely to embarrass Beijing which has lauded his victory and denigrated Liu's prize.

Liu should be able to research his "politics and social system", Mo said without elaborating

A number of dissidents and other writers have said Mo was unworthy of winning as he had shied away from commenting on Liu's plight. They have also denounced him for commemorating a speech by former paramount leader Mao Zedong.

But Mo, whose real name is Guan Moye, shot back at those criticisms.

"I believe that the people who have criticized me have not read my books," he said. "If they had read my books they would understand that my writings at that time took on a great deal of risk and were under pressure.

"Many of the people who have criticized me online are Communist Party members themselves. They also work within the system. And some have benefited tremendously within the system," he added.

"I am working in China," he said. "I am writing in a China under Communist Party leaders. But my works cannot be restricted by political parties."

Mo, who was once so destitute he ate tree bark and weeds to survive, is the first Chinese national to win the $1.2 million literature prize, awarded by the Swedish Academy.

He is best known in the West for "Red Sorghum", which portrays the hardships endured by farmers in the early years of communist rule and was made in a film directed by Zhang Yimou. His books also include "Big Breasts and Wide Hips" and "The Republic of Wine".

Prominent dissident Hu Jia, a close friend of Liu's, praised Mo's apparent sudden change of heart.

"What has happened in the last 24 hours has changed him. A Nobel prize, whether for peace or for literature, bestows on one a sense of wrong and right," Hu told Reuters.

China, long used to wringing its hands at perceived snubs or insults by the Nobel organizers, has worked its propaganda machine into overtime to hail Mo's win as a breakthrough for the entire nation, and recognition of its place as a great country.

Senior Communist Party official and China's propaganda chief Li Changchun congratulated Mo, state media reported, saying he hoped "Chinese writers will focus on the country's people in their writing and create more excellent works that will stand the test of history".

But the mention of Liu by Mo, a vice-chairman of the government-backed Chinese Writers' Association, could make things awkward for the Chinese authorities, who jailed Liu for 11 years in 2009 for inciting subversion of state power.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei repeated government criticism of Liu's award, saying it amounted to "grave meddling in China's internal affairs and judicial sovereignty".


Mo's interest in literature dates back to his childhood in Gaomi. When he was six, he was an avid reader of Chinese classics, said Mo's elder brother Guan Moxin, 62. The youngest of four children, Mo loved telling stories.

But Mo's farmer father and brother, who are still living in the dusty, hardscrabble village in Gaomi where Mo grew up, had no idea they had a Nobel Literature Prize winner in their midst.

"What are the chances that a country boy without anything to his name could become a great author?" Guan Moxin told Reuters.

"He is just a man from this remote land, and this poor family; he is not from some big city."

Mo, already hugely popular in China, has become something of a celebrity in Gaomi. Thrilled residents set off fireworks the night Mo's award was announced. Reporters started streaming into the nondescript town. A hotel put up a digital banner congratulating Mo.

"I couldn't quite believe it. It took me awhile before I could believe it. It seemed so impossible. We were all (the village) celebrating, lighting firecrackers," Guan Moxin said.

Mo's books reflect the tumult of modern China. He has credited his early suffering for inspiring his works, which tackle corruption, decadence in Chinese society and rural life.

"When he was little at school he was very naughty," Mo's 90-year-old father, Guan Yifan, told Reuters. "But afterwards he had to stop and do farm work. At the time we had to eat wild vegetables, and he had to go and dig wild vegetables."

(Additional reporting by Sui-Lee Wee, Terril Yue Jones and Ben Blanchard in BEIJING; Editing by Nick Macfie)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/china-nobel-winner-mo-yan-calls-jailed-laureates-092850947.html

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Scientists uncover diversion of Gulf Stream path in late 2011; Warmer waters flowed to shelfbreak south of New England

ScienceDaily (Oct. 12, 2012) ? At a meeting with New England commercial fishermen last December, physical oceanographers Glen Gawarkiewicz and Al Plueddemann from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) were alerted by three fishermen about unusually high surface water temperatures and strong currents on the outer continental shelf south of New England.

"I promised them I would look into why that was happening," Gawarkiewicz says.

The result of his investigation was a discovery that the Gulf Stream diverged well to the north of its normal path beginning in late October 2011, causing the warmer-than-usual ocean temperatures along the New England continental shelf.

The researchers' findings, "Direct interaction between the Gulf Stream and the shelfbreak south of New England," were published in the August 2012 issue of the journal Scientific Reports.

To begin to unravel the mystery, Gawarkiewicz and his colleagues assembled data from a variety of sources and recreated a record of the Gulf Stream path during the fall of 2011. First, they tapped into data collected by a program called eMOLT, a non-profit collaboration of fishing industry, research, academic and government entities, run by James Manning of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Northeast Fisheries Science Center. For more than a decade the program has recorded near-bottom ocean temperatures by distributing temperature probes to lobstermen.

Manning and scientists from WHOI, including Robert Todd and Magdalena Andres, analyzed a time series of temperatures from two eMOLT sites, OC01 and TA51, which were located over the outer continental shelf near the shelfbreak, and identified two events when temperatures suddenly increased by 6.2 and 6.7?C, respectively, to highs of more than 18?C.

"These are very dramatic events for the outer continental shelf, at least 2?C warmer than we've seen since 2001," says Gawarkiewicz. "Near-bottom temperatures of 18?C on the outer shelf are extremely high for late autumn." The maximum recorded temperature in December 2011 was the warmest bottom temperature recorded in 6 years of records at the OC01 site.

In typical years, the warm Gulf Stream waters only indirectly influence ocean currents and temperatures near the continental shelfbreak south of New England when eddies, called warm core rings, pinch off from the Gulf Stream and drift toward the outer continental shelf. Such rings normally drift past a site after a few weeks, and therefore cause only limited warming of the water on the outer shelf.

Gawarkiewicz and his colleagues collected additional data on water temperature and salinity from December 4, 2011 through January 4, 2012, from instruments on temporary test moorings placed 12 km south of the shelfbreak by the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). The researchers compared those salinity measurements to historical data, and discovered that high salinity levels -- consistent with the salinity of waters carried by the Gulf Stream -- coincided with the warming periods.

The extent and duration of the two 2011 warming events combined with the high salinity observed by the researchers suggested the cause was not a transient warm core ring, but the Gulf Stream itself that carried warm, salty water to the outer shelf.

To solidify that finding, Gawarkiewicz received serendipitous help from students in the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) program at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, NC, who had deployed a surface drifter during the period coinciding with the two warming events. Drifters use satellites to transmit their positions roughly every six hours, key information for the WHOI scientists, who analyzed the drifter tracks and speeds.

"Drifters around the edges of warm core rings drift toward the continental shelf at about 1 knot," Gawarkiewicz says. "But we saw the drifter cut across the slope towards the shelf at about 2.5 knots. It only took it eight days to travel from Cape Fear, North Carolina, to a point 40 miles south of Georges Bank, a total distance of 580 miles."

The periods of high speeds for the drifters coincided with the records for high temperatures on the outer shelf, which told the scientists that the core of the Gulf Stream had diverted to 39.9?N at 68?W -- 125 miles north of its mean position, further north than had ever been recorded by satellite altimeters at this particular longitude.

The temporary shift in Gulf Stream path observed last fall potentially has significant longer-term implications. Studies have shown that temperature increases of 2?C have caused major shifts in silver hake populations, for example, and in spring 2012, migratory bluefish and striped bass were observed off the coast of Cape Cod much earlier than in previous years. But, the scientists say, more research is needed to determine just how the Gulf Stream's behavior in 2011 affected the continental shelf ecosystem and marine organisms.

It is unclear what might have caused this shift in the Gulf Stream path. It occurred shortly after Hurricanes Irene and Katia drenched the east coast with rain, and this might have impacted the Gulf Stream separation from the continental shelf near Cape Hatteras. Another possibility is that a cold core ring, an eddy south of the Gulf Stream core, might have deflected the Gulf Stream. Further research will be necessary to determine exactly how and why this occurred, which will be helpful in the long term in predicting Gulf Stream motions.

In the meantime, Gawarkiewicz and his colleagues will be keeping an eye on what the Gulf Stream does this fall, with the hope of someday being able to predict such a shift. "We're checking in from time to time to monitor it. We'll be talking to the fishermen, and academics, and keeping an eye on things," he says.

Fishermen David Spencer, Fred Mattera, and Norbert Stamps first alerted the researchers to the anomaly. Profile data were made available by the OOI, which is funded by the National Science Foundation and managed by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership. Tim Shaw and David Calhoun at Cape Fear Community College provided drifter data. WHOI scientists on this project were supported by the NSF, the Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region, the Penzance Endowed Fund in Support of Assistant Scientists, and the Postdoctoral Scholar Program at WHOI.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Glen G. Gawarkiewicz, Robert E. Todd, Albert J. Plueddemann, Magdalena Andres, James P. Manning. Direct interaction between the Gulf Stream and the shelfbreak south of New England. Scientific Reports, 2012; 2 DOI: 10.1038/srep00553

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/oAFv4KsDxAg/121012122648.htm

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How To Get A Mortgage Post-Bankruptcy - Business Insider

For those who have declared bankruptcy, it may feel as though you're on financial probation for up to 10 years, since that's how long a bankruptcy can stay on your credit report. However, mortgage borrowers could be eligible to apply for a home loan in as little as one year following a bankruptcy.

"If you filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which means you discharged all your debt, you are eligible to apply for a mortgage in?two years for an FHA?or VA loan and in four years for a conventional loan," says Julie Flatland, vice president of credit in the mortgage lending division of Carrington Mortgage Services in Santa Ana, Calif.

"If you filed for?Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can be eligible in one year for an FHA or VA loan and in two years for conventional financing," she says. "While those post-bankruptcy rules are the industry standard, sometimes a lender will make an exception and approve an FHA or VA loan earlier if there were extenuating circumstances such as unemployment by the primary wage-earner."

Lenders for both conventional and government-insured mortgage loans will scrutinize your credit report to make sure you are paying bills on time and haven't taken on too much new debt.

"Consumers seeking a mortgage loan after filing for a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy should ensure all bills are current and payments are made on time, as this will help to reestablish strong new credit," said Susan Fitzpatrick, director of communications at GMAC Mortgage in Fort Washington, Pa., in an email. "Additionally, borrowers should keep all supporting documents related to their bankruptcy and have documentation on hand to support any extenuating circumstances of their bankruptcy."

Bankruptcy and your credit

A bankruptcy will lower your?credit score?initially, but how much depends on your credit score and history prior to the bankruptcy. The farther you pull away from bankruptcy, the less of an impact it has on your credit score, says Gail Cunningham, vice president of membership and public relations for the National Foundation of Credit Counseling in Washington, D.C.

Borrowers of?FHA and VA loans?can be approved with credit scores as low as 620 or 640, depending on the lender. Since conventional loan interest rates depend on your credit score, borrowers with a score of 740 or higher generally qualify for the lowest?mortgage rates.

4 post-bankruptcy strategies

Cunningham recommends the following four tips to rebuild your credit so you're ready to apply when the waiting period is over:

No. 1: Get a credit card. Your credit will improve if you can use credit wisely. Opening up a credit card, using it and immediately paying off the balance can boost your score.

"You may need to be an authorized user on someone else's credit card at first, but you'll get the glow of the credit card owner's positive repayment history on your credit card," Cunningham says. "You can also get a secured credit card, but not all of them report your payment history to the credit bureaus. Check to make sure you choose one that does."

When you eventually qualify for a credit card on your own, Cunningham warns not to take on too much credit because you will once again appear overextended.

No. 2: Save, save, save. "Start saving at least 10 percent of your take-home pay from each paycheck," says Cunningham. "You'll need cash for a down payment and lenders want to see a pattern of saving."

No. 3: Open a checking and savings account. Cunningham says conventional lenders will want to see statements from these accounts when you apply for a mortgage. Be sure to avoid overdraft charges on your accounts since it indicates financial irresponsibility.

"FHA and VA loans allow non-traditional credit, so people who prefer not to open a bank account can bring pay stubs to prove their income and bring cash for the down payment and escrow account," says Flatland.

No. 4: Pay your rent and utility bills on time. "A lender will need to see at least 12 months of consistent?payments for your rent and utilities," says Flatland. "Make sure you keep documentation of all those payments and even payments for things like insurance."

While rebuilding your credit can take time after a bankruptcy, it is possible to quickly move forward and qualify for a mortgage within just a few years.

See Also: How this student built her dream home from scratch >?

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-get-a-mortgage-post-bankruptcy-2012-10

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Skin hair skims heat off elephants

ScienceDaily (Oct. 10, 2012) ? Body hair in mammals is typically thought to have evolved to keep us warm in colder prehistoric times, but a new study suggests that it may do the opposite, at least in elephants. Epidermal hair may have evolved to help the animals keep cool in the hot regions they live in, according to new research published Oct 10 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Conor Myhrvold and colleagues at Princeton University.

Though the idea that low surface densities of hair can help dissipate heat is a popular concept in engineering, the biological and evolutionary significance of sparse skin hair is not well known. The authors studied the effects of skin hair densities in Asian and African elephants on thermoregulation in these animals, and concluded that elephant skin hair significantly enhances their capacity to keep cool under different scenarios like higher daytime temperatures or less windy days.

Their research suggests that the dense body hair of furry animals helps with insulation, but as skin hair grows sparser, a tipping point is reached where, for animals such as elephants, skin hair begins to help release heat from the body rather than retain it.

According to the authors, elephants have the greatest need for such heat loss to maintain a constant body temperature, since they are large terrestrial mammals that live in hot climates. Their results are the first to suggest that animal hairs could play a role in heat dissipation that could be beneficial to certain animals, like elephants. Elie Bou-Zeid, corresponding author on the study, says "Sparse hair increases heat dissipation from the skin of elephants and help the largest terrestrial mammal meet its thermoregulation needs."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Myhrvold CL, Stone HA, Bou-Zeid E. What Is the Use of Elephant Hair? PLoS ONE, 2012; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047018

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/_c_e2xr43nw/121010172120.htm

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Bowdoin manufacturer honored with award for innovation, global ...

BOWDOIN, Maine ? A manufacturing company in this town was honored Wednesday for a commitment to innovation that has led to it becoming a global leader in the manufacture of equipment and precision instruments for the neuroscience community.

At an award ceremony held at the company?s headquarters in Bowdoin, the Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership named FHC Inc. as the 2012 Manufacturer of the Year. Maine MEP?s annual award is given to a Maine company that demonstrates outstanding vision, leadership and manufacturing excellence, according to a media release.

?In honoring FHC as the 2012 Maine Manufacturer of the Year, we celebrate a company that recognizes the key elements of success in a competitive global economy,? Bruce Pulkkinen, chairman of Maine MEP, said in a statement.

Pulkkinen lauded FHC for embracing the following four strategies:

  1. Focusing on innovation as a central business strategy and creating an Innovation Center that partners with customers to anticipate and solve their needs.
  2. Investing in its workforce by training employees in advanced innovation techniques and creating a Great Ideas Group that challenges team members to find new solutions.
  3. Continuously improving their operations by applying lean manufacturing techniques.
  4. Targeting global markets for its products, opening offices in Europe and South America, while looking to expand in Asia.

?This combination of internal and external strategies exemplifies what it means to become a next generation manufacturer,? Pulkkinen said.

FHC was founded in 1970 and has become a major player in the neuroscience community. The company?s clients include scientists and clinicians studying at major universities, medical schools, research hospitals, government research institutions and private laboratories located at pharmaceutical, biotechnology and technology-based companies around the world.

Maine MEP, part of a national network of manufacturing extension centers that provide business and technical assistance to small manufacturers, has worked with FHC over the past two years to provide lean manufacturing consulting and management coaching in innovation engineering, the systematic approach to innovation taught at the University of Maine?s Foster Center for Student Innovation.

?Every manufacturer recognizes that innovation is the key to long-term success, but many companies find it one of the most challenging goals to attain,? said George Gervais, commissioner of the Maine Department of Community and Economic Development. ?FHC has distinguished itself by the way in which it has institutionalized the processes for generating new ideas and rapidly testing them for commercial success.?

Gervais said the company?s application of the principles of Innovation Engineering has enabled a Maine company with 100 employees ?to achieve an international reputation in its field.?

Keri Seitz, FHC?s CEO, said she was honored by the award and that it was a testament to the company?s employees and culture of innovation.

?With our guiding principle of innovation through collaboration, we are humbled to work with our customers to provide pioneering solutions for neuroscientists and neurosurgeons worldwide,? Seitz said in a statement. ?This award is testimony that Maine firms can compete with the best in the world.?

The award coincides with October?s designation as Manufacturing Month to highlight the importance of manufacturing in the U.S. economy.

Source: http://bangordailynews.com/2012/10/10/business/bowdoin-manufacturer-honored-with-award-for-innovation-global-leadership/

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