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ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast will reopen its airspace to flights from Ghana but keep land and sea borders with its neighbor shut, said the Ivorian government on Sunday, after a series of deadly attacks last week in Abidjan and at a border crossing.
"After 48 hours of observation of the movements of people and goods between the two countries, it is decided that only the air borders will be opened from Monday," the office of President Alassane Ouattara said in a statement read on state television.
Ivorian airspace would reopen to Ghanaian flights from midnight, the statement said.
Ivory Coast closed its border with Ghana on Friday after the raids, during which Defence Minister Paul Koffi Koffi said eight people, including six attackers, were killed.
The country's Interior Minister Hamed Bakayoko previously said the attacks on the army and police were launched from Ghanaian territory.
The assaults were the first since August, when near-daily raids on security forces revived fears of renewed instability a year after a brief civil war killed more than 3,000 people.
Ivorian officials said the attacks, and a series of similar raids last month, were organized by allies of former president Laurent Gbagbo, many of whom now live in exile in neighboring countries including Ghana.
Ivory Coast, the world's top cocoa producer, is recovering from a decade-long political crisis that ended last year with a brief civil war that killed more than 3,000 people.
(Reporting by Loucoumane Coulibaly; Writing by Joe Bavier; Editing by Sophie Hares)
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ScienceDaily (Sep. 21, 2012) ? Shengyuan Yang, Florida Institute of Technology assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, with graduate student Sang Joo Lee, has published a paper on the first-ever imaging of cells growing on spherical surfaces. The paper is published in the online journal Review of Scientific Instruments, and will appear later in September in the print version.
The potential biomedical applications of the researchers' technique include new strategies and devices for the early detection and isolation of cancer cells, facilitating new methods of treating cancer tissues. "We also foresee new strategies and techniques to control the differentiation of stem cells and the morphologies and structures of the resulting cells and tissues," said Yang.
The effects of substrate stiffness on cell behaviors have been extensively studied; however, the effects of substrate curvature are not well-documented. The curvature of the surface on which cells adhere can have profound effects on cell behaviors, according to Yang.
"To reveal these cell mechano-biological responses to substrate curvatures, we have introduced a novel, simple, and flexible class of substrates, polyacrylamide gels embedded with micro glass balls ranging in diameter from 5 mm to 2 mm, to culture cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental attempt to study cell responses to spherically-shaped substrates. Our cell culture experiments imply that this class of substrates, micro glass ball embedded gels, can be useful tools to study cell mechanobiological responses to substrate curvatures, related cell and tissue engineering researches, and biomedical applications, such as cancer detection and treatment, and the control of stem cell differentiations, for example," said Yang.
This work was supported with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Program. The reviewer of this paper at Review of Scientific Instruments commented, according to Yang: "This is a clever idea. . . This work has great potentials with high impact."
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Florida Institute of Technology.
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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LONDON (AP) ? John Travolta says privacy laws should shield celebrities from the kind of exposure suffered by Kate Middleton.
Gossip magazines have published topless pictures of Prince William's wife taken during a private holiday.
Travolta, who has faced unwelcome scrutiny of his own private life, told the BBC that it is the "worst time to be famous."
"There is a right to privacy whether you're famous or not famous, and I feel that anyone being invaded at that level is unfortunate and there should be a law, no one would like that," he said in an interview broadcast Friday.
Travolta plays a corrupt cop in Oliver Stone's drug-war film "Savages," which opens in Britain on Friday.
It's his first film since 2010. Recently he has been in the headlines for his private life, including a discredited ? but widely reported ? lawsuit claiming he had groped two masseurs.
Travolta, who has been one of Hollywood's best-known faces since he starred in "Saturday Night Fever" in 1977, said he almost retired from acting after the death of his 16-year-old son Jett in 2009.
He said that after his son's death from a seizure he'd "thought of retiring at one point because it felt like too much."
But he told the BBC that "after three years getting a lot of support from my church and a lot of support from people, fans, family I decided that it was OK to go back to work."
Travolta is a prominent member of the Church of Scientology.
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TSX.V Symbol: "WND"
Issued and Outstanding: 68,427,401
VANCOUVER, Sept. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Western Wind Energy Corp. - (the "Company" or "Western Wind") (TSX Venture Exchange - "WND") (OTCQX - "WNDEF") announces that Western Wind, together with Rothschild and PI Financial Corp., are committed to a methodical and focused sales process. With over 50 parties reviewing materials, and 16 parties into the process, we expect a robust forum within a level playing field. The buying parties are comfortable with the current board's expertise and detailed knowledge of the Company's assets. Unlike the dissident board who personally own no shares of Western Wind, the current Board is motivated by making the right choices as our 14-year history with the shareholders and our large share position is aligned in the right direction. The Board will take the highest credible offer, and forward the best offer for full approval to the shareholders. The highest bid will not be denied.
Western Wind also reports that it has commenced legal actions in both Canada and the United States against the dissident Savitr Capital, LLC in response to what Western Wind believes are misleading statements and misuse of its registered trademark that may affect the voting process.
Western Wind is pleased by the recommendation made by Glass, Lewis and Co., the world's largest truly independent proxy advisory firm, to have the shareholders vote for the current board.? The May 10, 2012 edition of the Financial Post discusses how the United States Securities and Exchange Commission is concerned about and questions the independence of firms such as ISS that offer other services to institutional clients.
Voting Instructions
Western Wind urges shareholders to support the current Board of Directors and the sale process currently underway. Vote only the YELLOW proxy and ensure Western Wind receives it prior to Friday, September 21, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. (Vancouver Time).? Please do not vote using the dissident proxy. Western Wind's letters to shareholders, management information circular and other proxy materials can be found on Western Wind's website: Please check the website regularly for current information regarding the sale process and the shareholder meeting.
If you have any questions and/or need assistance in voting your shares, please call Laurel Hill Advisory Group LLC at 1-877-452-7184 or via email at
Western Wind is a vertically integrated renewable energy production company that owns and operates wind and solar generation facilities with 165 net MW of rated capacity in production, in the States of California and Arizona.? Western Wind further owns substantial development assets for both solar and wind energy in the U.S. The Company is headquartered in Vancouver, BC and has branch offices in Scottsdale, Arizona and Tehachapi, California.? Western Wind trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "WND", and in the United States on the OTCQX under the symbol "WNDEF".
The Company owns and operates three wind energy generation facilities in California, and one fully integrated combined wind and solar energy generation facility in Arizona.? The three operating wind generation facilities in California are comprised of the 120MW Windstar, the 4.5MW Windridge facilities in Tehachapi, and the 30MW Mesa wind generation facility near Palm Springs.? The facility in Arizona is the Company's 10.5MW Kingman integrated solar and wind facility.? The Company is further developing wind and solar energy projects in California, Arizona, and Puerto Rico.
Jeffrey J. Ciachurski
President & Chief Executive Officer
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This news release contains certain statements that may be considered "forward-looking statements", such as references to the intended sale of Western Wind and its assets. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. The forward-looking statements in this press release include statements regarding the intention of the Company to complete legal action against the dissident. The forward-looking statements included in this press release are based on reasonable assumptions, including that the Company will be able to commence legal action against the dissident. Factors that may cause results to vary from anticipations include the risk that the Company is not able to pursue legal action against the dissident. Although Western Wind believes the expectations expressed in the forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those contained in forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Western Wind's management on the date the statements are made. Western Wind undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change, except as required by law.
SOURCE Western Wind Energy
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A decades-long literary feud rears its head again as Bret Easton Ellis uses a new bio of David Foster Wallace as an excuse for trash-talking.
By Husna Haq / September 10, 2012
Anyone familiar with Ellis knows he?s no stranger to the shock-and-awe method of courting controversy, as when he claimed that women are unable to direct movies and a gay actor should not star in 'Fifty Shades of Grey.'
Luca Bruno/AP
EnlargeThink David Foster Wallace is untouchable?
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Think again. ?American Psycho? author Bret Easton Ellis tore into the late author of the critically acclaimed ?Infinite Jest? and ?The Pale King? on Twitter last week, and in true Ellis fashion, he didn?t hold back.
?Reading D.T. Max?s bio I continue to find David Foster Wallace the most tedious, overrated, tortured, pretentious writer of my generation,? Ellis tweeted. ?David Foster Wallace was so needy, so conservative, so in need of fans ? that I find the halo of sentimentality surrounding him embarrassing.? In several more tweets, he continued, ?DFW is the best example of a contemporary male writer lusting for a kind of awful greatness that he simply wasn?t able to achieve. A fraud.?
Ellis?s comments came on the heels of a new biography of the late author, D.T. Max?s ?Every Love Story is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace.? (See our review of the biography here.)
In the midst of reading the bio of Wallace, who took his own life in 2008 after a lifelong battle with depression, Ellis told his 300,000 Twitter followers, ?OMG is the solemnity of the David Foster Wallace myth on a purely literary level sickening.?
He then turned his attention to DFW fans, saying: "Saint David Foster Wallace: a generation trying to read him feels smart about themselves which is part of the whole bullsh** package. Fools.?
Who does Ellis think he is ?being exceptionally hostile and ungenerous toward a tragically tormented writer who, having hanged himself, is in no position to defend himself,? writes Gerald Howard (who, incidentally, edited both Ellis and Wallace when they were starting out).
For starters, anyone familiar with Ellis knows he?s no stranger to the shock-and-awe method of courting controversy.
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If you're a computational engineer, there's no question about what you do with the Raspberry Pi: you make a supercomputer cluster. Researchers at the University of Southampton have followed their instincts and built Iridis-Pi, a tiny 64-node cluster based on the Raspberry Pi's usual Debian Wheezy distribution and linked through Ethernet. While no one would mistake any one Raspberry Pi for a powerhouse, the sheer number of networked devices gives the design both some computing grunt and 1TB worth of storage in SD cards. Going so small also leads to some truly uncommon rackmounting -- team lead Simon Cox and his son James grouped the entire array in two towers of Lego, which likely makes it the most adorable compute cluster you'll ever see. There's instructions to help build your own Iridis-Pi at the source link, and the best part is that it won't require a university-level budget to run. Crafting the exact system you see here costs under £2,500 ($4,026), or less than a grown-up supercomputer's energy bill.
Filed under: Desktops
Supercomputer built from Raspberry Pi and Lego, managed by humans rather than Minifigs originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 14:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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By Erika Riggs, Zillow
As the presidential race heats up, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are concentrating their focus on one certain house in Washington, DC. But before they considered the White House their possible residence, the two lived in a variety of places across the U.S. Here's a roundup of the homes each candidate currently owns.
Mitt Romney
The former governor of Massachusetts owns a smattering of real estate across the country, including homes in Massachusetts, California and New Hampshire. This collection has been pared down; Romney previously owned two other homes ? a large estate in Belmont, Mass.,?that he sold for $3.5 million in 2009 and a ski home in Park City, Utah,?that he also dumped in 2009 for a little over $5.25 million.
La Jolla, Calif.
When Romney is not on the campaign trail, his main home is in the beachfront town La Jolla. Romney and his wife, Ann, purchased the $12 million La Jolla home in 2008, telling reporters he wanted to be somewhere he could "hear the waves." Apparently a home on the high-priced California coast, (median La Jolla home values hit $1,186,200), was the right location.
Belmont, Mass.
In June 2010, the Romneys bought a two-bedroom townhouse in suburban Belmont, shown above. According to property listing information, the Romneys paid $895,000 for the 2,100-square-foot home in the new residential development The Woodlands. This is the first purchase the Romneys have made in the Massachusetts area in two years; previously they claimed their son's basement apartment as their legal address.
Wolfeboro, N.H.
Google maps
Romney vacations in Wolfeboro with his family.
The Romneys own an 11-acre property, pictured above, smack dab on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in Wolfeboro. Purchased for $3 million in 1997, the Romneys' 5,400-square-foot main house and additional guest houses are home to the extended Romney family each summer.
Barack Obama
Google maps
Barack Obama's brick home in Chicago.
While Obama did spend part of his childhood in Hawaii before moving to Chicago, he owns just one home ? in the Windy City. He and wife Michelle bought the brick home in 2005 for $1.65 million. Located on Greenwood Avenue, the home, pictured below, was built in 1917 and offers 6,199 square feet of space. Although Obama hasn't owned any other properties, an apartment he rented while attending Columbia University in the mid-'80s is on the rental market in New York.
The two-bedroom, one-bath Upper West Side apartment has been updated and is available for $2,400 a month.
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Advertising on the web is something you will need to do, if you would like to make money on the net, or you have a business you would like to make profitable. Of course when you first look at marketing on the internet it is very simple to get overwhelmed as a result of all of the choices you have for online advertising. How do you find the correct technique for your business, to ensure that you aren?t just wasting your money? When you learn how to do marketing and advertising on the net correctly you are going to have the ability of taking your business to a higher level. Advertise products in every industry for example BioTrust Low Carb inside fitness and health market place. Biotrust has started marketing their very own LeptiBurn on line.
It can be very expensive for folks to advertise their business when they?re using any kind of traditional advertising available. Some people believe that all marketing online should be free and would not think about paying $20 for a thousand targeted customers. It will be great if it was all free, however that is not how things work. I?m certain you understand that there a lot of individuals out there who would prefer to get your product for free than to pay for it, of course this is not an incredibly profitable way to do business. For individuals who do find free ways of marketing your business on the web, more than likely you are still going to have to invest plenty of time to be able to achieve this. When you?re investing money or you are investing your time, you will need to make some sort of investment for your marketing and advertising.
Something you might be happy to know is that it doesn?t matter how much cash you need to invest, you are going to most likely find advertising within your budget. It doesn?t matter what your budget is you must keep in mind that you are able to exchange time for marketing as well. You might find it difficult deciding what strategy to use, but it doesn?t really matter simply because you can?t wait around until you understand everything, so you have to try something. You have to determine what?s going to be most effective for you, mainly because one kind of advertising is not developed for each sort of product. It is of course important that you learn as much as you can about advertising and marketing online because this is part of your business. It isn?t always the marketing strategy that?s at fault, when you do not succeed, but it may be the product you are trying to sell.
Before you jump into any marketing and advertising method, ensure you understand just what market you are targeting. If there are some other marketers online that are successful advertising the same products you are planning on advertising, try and determine how they are becoming successful. Are you selling a product that people want, and are you presenting it to your customers in the best way? Advertising and marketing your product should only begin when you are positive that this device is going to sell and that you?ll be advertising to your target audience. There?s one more thing I would like to mention, and that?s the significance of having your own personal website and domain name for the product you?re marketing.
If you?ve not yet developed a web site you may possibly want to hold off on your marketing and advertising until your internet site is developed. If you want to find the success you?re trying to find on the web keep in mind that you will need to take action. If you can not decide on which advertising method, select one and get started. Marketing on the internet will end up being key to any person starting an online business and an important part of the equation for individuals looking to make more money from their current business.
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ScienceDaily (Sep. 12, 2012) ? Researchers at Newcastle University have revealed the mechanism by which neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and other parts of the body, age.
The research, published September 12 in Aging Cell, opens up new avenues of understanding for conditions where the aging of neurons are known to be responsible, such as dementia and Parkinson's disease.
The aging process has its roots deep within the cells and molecules that make up our bodies. Experts have previously identified the molecular pathway that react to cell damage and stems the cell's ability to divide, known as cell senescence.
However, in cells that do not have this ability to divide, such as neurons in the brain and elsewhere, little was understood of the aging process. Now a team of scientists at Newcastle University, led by Professor Thomas von Zglinicki have shown that these cells follow the same pathway.
This challenges previous assumptions on cell senescence and opens new areas to explore in terms of treatments for conditions such as dementia, motor neuron disease or age-related hearing loss.
Newcastle University's Professor Thomas von Zglinicki who led the research said: "We want to continue our work looking at the pathways in human brains as this study provides us with a new concept as to how damage can spread from the first affected area to the whole brain."
Working with the University's special colony of aged mice, the scientists have discovered that aging in neurons follows exactly the same rules as in senescing fibroblasts, the cells which divide in the skin to repair wounds.
DNA damage responses essentially re-program senescent fibroblasts to produce and secrete a host of dangerous substances including oxygen free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-inflammatory signalling molecules. This makes senescent cells the 'rotten apple in a basket' that can damage and spoil the intact cells in their neighbourhood. However, so far it was always thought that aging in cells that can't divide -- post-mitotic, non-proliferating cells -- like neurons would follow a completely different pathway.
Now, this research explains that in fact aging in neurons follows exactly the same rules as in senescing fibroblasts.
Professor von Zglinicki, professor of Cellular Gerontology at Newcastle University said: "We will now need to find out whether the same mechanisms we detected in mouse brains are also associated with brain aging and cognitive loss in humans. We might have opened up a short-cut towards understanding brain aging, should that be the case."
Dr Diana Jurk, who did most of this work during her PhD in the von Zglinicki group, said: "It was absolutely fascinating to see how aging processes that we always thought of as completely separate turned out to be identical. Suddenly so much disparate knowledge came together and made sense."
The research contributes to the Newcastle Initiative on Changing Age, the University's response to the societal challenge of aging, seeking new ways to make the most of the extensive opportunities associated with increasing human longevity.
The team want to further study the mechanism using the unique resource of the Newcastle Brain Bank.
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Musician Dave Gunning, in a photo from his website (Chris Smith)It's going to take more than a pretty penny for one musician to pay off the Royal Canadian Mint, which has levied a hefty tax against the artist for appropriating an image of the nation's outgoing coinage on his latest album.
Dave Gunning says he wanted to pay tribute to the Canadian penny, which will cease production at the end of 2012, on his upcoming album, "No More Pennies."
However, CBC News reports that once the Royal Canadian Mint heard about the album cover concept, it told Dave Gunning that for every 2,000 albums sold, he must fill out an application asking for permission to continue using the image, then pay $1,200 in fees.
Gunning's album cover shows a person at a lunch counter attempting to come up with enough change to pay for a cup of coffee.
In response to the Mint's fees, Gunning has asked fans to bring pennies to shows on his upcoming fall tour so he can afford to continue selling the album, which debuts Sept. 18. The Mint has waived the fees on the first 2,000 copies but said Gunning must pay for all future sales.
"The Mint has an Intellectual Property Policy in place to protect its IP assets, which includes coin images, and ensure their appropriate use," a Mint spokeswoman told the CBC. "In instances where an approved use is being made for commercial gain (as would be the case with an ad campaign or selling music CDs), royalty fees are applied."
The Royal Canadian Mint has made news several times this year: First with the announcement in March that it would discontinue the penny, then again in April, with the announcement of a glow-in-the-dark quarter.
Ironically, the Royal Canadian Mint found out about the album cover only after an employee there told administrators, reportedly thinking the Mint would be supportive of the gesture.
"Turns out I have a big fan who works for the Canadian Mint," Gunning told the CBC. "He got the idea, 'The Canadian Mint should get behind this. Maybe we could actually sell the CD in our gift shop.'"
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You'll probably want the newest and hottest Apple device, but does it really stack up?
Apple has dominated the smartphone market since 2007 with its widely sought-after iPhones. Today, in Cupertino, Calif., Apple unveiled the next entry in the iPhone family, the iPhone 5. Simply put, it's a device that's leaps and bounds better than any other Apple phone to date.
But is it right for you? Consider the following features of the new phone:
A thinner, lighter phone with a larger, 4-inch screen
A major new feature of the phone is its new, larger 4-inch size. That's enough to fit a fifth row of icons on every screen. The iPhone 5 boasts a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio, with 1136 x 640 Retina display resolution. And that's not all ? the new display offers 44% more color saturation than previous iPhone models, with a touch sensor wired directly into the screen to keep the phone thin and reduce glare.?Apps that have been designed for the new, larger iPhone will fill up the whole screen; those that have yet to be updated will use black borders on the top and bottom to prevent stretching and warping of images. Still, if you're looking for a large screen, the Samsung Galaxy III S has the iPhone 5 beat with its 4.8-inch behemoth display.
And while the screen is getting larger, the phone itself is actually getting thinner and lighter.?The new iPhone 5 is made entirely out of glass and aluminum.?It's 7.8 mm, 18% thinner than the iPhone 4S, and at 112 grams, it's 20% lighter.
Because it's a phone, the device will also need a microphone to pick up your voice. Well, the new iPhone 5 actually has three, and contains noise-cancelling technology to boot so your voice comes across as clear as possible. Apple has also improved the earpiece speaker design, so you can hear who's calling you as clearly as they can hear you.
And yes, before you ask?? the iPhone 5 is available in both black and white.
Bringing 4G LTE to the masses
One of the major disappointments with last year's iPhone 4S launch was the lack of high-speed 4G LTE connectivity. Thankfully, the new iPhone 5 takes full advantage of the nation's fastest LTE networks on AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon. If you're currently off contract, this might be a great time to consider switching carriers.
We can rebuild it. Faster. Stronger.
The new iPhone 5 utilizes a new A6 chip. It offers twice the speed of the A5 chip in the iPhone 4S, meaning?applications and games load and work twice as fast. It also offers?twice the graphics power, allowing games on the new phone to offer console-quality images and play. Best of all, the A6 is 22% smaller than the current A5 chip, so it requires less power.
Building a better battery
It wouldn't be a new iPhone without an improved battery, and indeed, Apple is taking performance to the next level. According to the company, the new phone will offer 8 full hours' worth of 3G talk, 3G browsing, or LTE browsing, 10 hours of wifi browsing or video, 40 hours of music, and 225 hours of standby ? over nine days without a charge. That's not the best in the industry, but it's certainly competitive with the best.
Taking pictures and video to the next level
Apple also upped their camera game, outfitting the iPhone 5 with an 8-megapixel, 3264 x 2448 camera. For those interested in specifics, the new device will offer:
But that's not all?? the new A6 chip improves a lot of the camera functionality, as well. You get 40% faster photo capture than the 4S, better noise reduction, and better low-light performance.?The iPhone 5 even features something called Panorama Mode, a feature that allows you to easily take massive 28-megapixel panorama pictures.?You can also take 1080p HD video, which includes improved video stabilization, face detection, and the ability snap photos while recording a video. In short, you'll be able to snap some of the most impressive phone pictures yet.
Still, though the iPhone's camera has been vastly improved, it may not be the best option if you truly care about taking the absolute best picture possible. Check out our list of the top camera-replacement phones ? you're sure to find something better.
How to get your iPhone 5
The new iPhone 5 will be available for preorder in both black and white starting September 14, and ships in the U.S. on September 21. The 16GB model will set you back $199 on a two-year contract, the 32GB will be $299, and a 64GB model is $399. You can use the phone on the Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint networks.
But that's not your only option
If you're looking to save a little bit of scratch, you can now pick up the iPhone 4 for free, or the iPhone 4S for the reduced price of $99. They're both still great phones, and both will be able to run the new Apple iOS 6 operating system when it comes out on September 19. Still, they're smaller-sized phones ??which could be a good thing, if that's what you're looking for.
Alternatively, you can also check up the widely hyped competition, the Android-based?Samsung Galaxy S III. It features a lot of similar tech: an 8-megapixel camera with face recognition, similar resolution, and generous battery life. Its 4.8-inch screen is larger than that of the iPhone 5. You can order the phone for $99 through Amazon, making it $100 cheaper than its Apple counterpart.?Take a quick look at Tecca's review of the S III, and decide for yourself!
Is it time to upgrade?
If you have an Apple iPhone 4, you're probably already out of contract, so you'll be able to get the preferred $199 pricing. If that's the case, now is the perfect time to pull the trigger ? the iPhone 5 is leaps and bounds better than the now two-year-old phone.?If you have an iPhone 4S, you have a harder decision, especially if you're going to have to pay the full out-of-contract price. Carefully consider the pros and cons, and if the decision is right, go for it. Remember, you can always sell your old iPhone, and in many cases get back more than you paid for it.
This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca
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UPDATE: Just hours after White shared the news about Jackson, he tweeted that Jose Aldo is also out of his UFC 153 bout.
Here we go again. UFC president Dana White just tweeted the news that Quinton Jackson was injured and is out of his UFC 153 fight with Glover Teixeira.
UFC 153 already has a new main event. Last week, former UFC lightweight champion Frankie Edgar stepped in to fight Jose Aldo when Erik Koch was injured. Now, the co-main event fight is in jeopardy.
This bout was supposed to be the last on Jackson's contract, and his rocky relationship with the UFC indicated he would not be welcomed back with another contract. He is riding a two-fight losing streak and has ripped the UFC's matchmaking publicly.
Hopefully, the UFC will be able to find another opponent who will fight Teixeira in front of his home crowd. He has 16 straight wins, and debuted in the UFC with a destruction of Kyle Kingsbury in under two minutes.
It's the latest in a strong of fights that has had some sort of cancellation or change for the UFC. The main events of UFC 146, 147, 148 and 149 all changed at some point, and UFC 151 was cancelled after Dan Henderson was injured and Jon Jones turned down Chael Sonnen to replace the main event.
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When Scott Van Nuzer got caught up in the moment during President Obama's Sunday visit to his pizza shop in Fort Pierce, Florida, little did he know how quickly the Yelp army would mobilize. On Saturday, Big Apple Pizza had just two reviews, but at the time of this posting, that number had grown to 1,059. Of course, Obama being a Democrat and this being an election year, not all of them are five stars.?
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by Dave The Handyman on September 10, 2012
Home improvements are good for two main reasons. They boost the value of your property and they also make the overall appearance of the home much nicer. There are a number of tasks to do when it comes to improving your home. Improvements can vary from painting the house to tiling the kitchen walls. People choose to make improvements to their home for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is to of course make their home look more appealing. Others decide to do some DIY in order to make the worth of their home a lot higher. Whatever the reason for making improvements to your property here are some simple steps to ensure you make the most of boosting the appearance of your residence.
Well there you have it. If you want to improve the overall look of your home than consider these 8 simple steps and you will certainly have a better chance of reaching your goal. Making home improvements whether big or small can be a tricky task. The last piece of advice would be to get all the help you can. Good luck!
Emily writes for an Edinburgh Property Agents and in her spare time loves to write for other blogs in the estate agents & home improvement industry.
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September 10, 2012 at 1:42 PM
The Concourse House, 2751 Grand Concourse (entrance on East 196th Street), presents The Getting Ahead Program, a free 5-week personal finance course offering workshops in money management, credit building, debt reduction, budget creation and long term saving and planning (such as retirement, homeownership). In addition to new financial tools, graduates receive free credit report and analysis and completion certificate, which can be used at local credit unions for innovate products. Next course starts Sept. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information or to register, call Jumelia at (718) 933-2539.
Ed. note:?Every weekday, we highlight Bronx programs, announcements, services, opportunities, public meetings/hearings or community events. Find a full listing on our?Neighborhood Notes page. Send your neighborhood notes to us at?
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DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland's central bank governor is confident that the country will get a deal in the euro zone on easing the terms of its bank debt, it is just a question of what it looks like, he said on Sunday.
Euro zone leaders agreed at their summit in June to look at improving Ireland's bank rescue package and EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn set a deadline of October to reach a decision on the matter.
Irish central bank chief Patrick Honohan said on Friday that Ireland may miss next month's deadline for a decision on easing the terms of its costly bank bailout as there were "sequencing issues" to parts of the deal.
He repeated his thoughts on the complexity of meeting the deadline on Sunday, but added he was confident a deal would be obtained.
"In my view, it's not a question of what or whether something will be done, it's a question of what will be done," Honohan told state broadcaster RTE.
"Something will be done. We would like, on the Irish side, a lot to be done and very effectively," he said.
"There is a range of possible outcomes. I am hopeful that we will reach the top 10 of those possibilities," he added.
Honohan added that discussions are going on actively, referring to the part of the deal that would benefit from an agreement to allow European rescue funds to recapitalize banks, something Dublin wants to benefit from retrospectively after pouring billions into its lenders.
The mechanism for delivering on this agreement depends on how long it takes the euro zone to set up a banking supervisory body, with Germany and the European Commission seemingly at odds over how a new banking union should operate.
(Reporting by Lorraine Turner; Editing by Greg Mahlich)
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Yes, that is the #1 best solution for weight loss.
But for those of you who are looking for something beyond weight loss, such as improved health, higher energy, increased athletic performance, clearer skin, and/or easier digestion, the Paleo diet is the answer to all of your health and fitness needs.
To put it short: the Paleo diet includes eating like our ancestors ? the caveman, our primal selves. The diet excludes gluten, dairy, legumes (beans and peanuts), processed foods, and most sugars in favor of organic meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, natural sugars (honey and agave), and healthy oils. Since there is already an endless wealth of free Paleo resources on the web, relating to what the diet is, how and why the plan works, as well as recipes and shopping lists, I?m here to address another common concern with the Paleo diet: sticking with it.
Here?s my personal insight on following the Paleo diet: don?t make it a burden.? Following it as much as you can rather than 100% of the time will make the transition easier and the habit more likely to stick. If you have dinner plans with friends, order what you want from the menu. If you forgot to pack a chicken and veggies lunch, grab a sandwich at work. If you want a cupcake after dinner, go ahead and indulge. By thinking of Paleo as something to incorporate into your diet rather than a make-it-or-break-it plan, you?ll reap the healthy benefits without ever feeling like your ?cheating,? ?craving,? or ?bingeing.?
Wouldn?t it be great if you could learn to love traffic? Learn to love taxes? Learn to love your boss? The great thing about Paleo is you learn to love it ? a miracle in the diet world. After following Paleo for only one week, a single non-Paleo meal will feel ? for lack of better terminology ? just plain gross. Begin Paleo by incorporating it as only 50% of your diet, you?ll be amazed at how quickly 50% becomes 60% becomes 70% and so on. Many Paleo-followers can only go a day or two off the plan without desperately wanting to get back on track (and feeling great). That?s right ladies and gentlemen, a diet you?ll actually miss when you?re off it.
Nothing bums me out more than low-carbers knocking fruit. Sure the sugar in fruit may prevent your body from going into weight-dropping ketosis, but if we learned anything from the Atkins diet, ketosis is not sustainable, and frankly, makes your breath stink. No one has ever gotten fat eating fruit. Fruit will cut your sugar cravings while you?re on the Paleo diet, making you less inclined towards unhealthy sweets (pastries, ice cream, oreos, etc). Eat a big bowl of watermelon after dinner, and tell me if you?re still craving chocolate.
Paleo is not for weight loss. I repeat: Paleo is NOT for weight loss. Weight loss is often a pleasant side effect, but it is slow coming, and there are much better plans for shedding a few for bikini season. Paleo is a service to your body, your health, your mind, and your skin; it?s an embrace of the beautiful foods produced solely from our earth. Welcome it into your life, and enjoy the many benefits.
Lynn Maleh is a professional health/nutrition writer, Paleo follower, and CrossFit enthusiast.? She is writing on behalf of?, a directory in which women can find the best gynecologist in their location.??
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AMSOIL Motorcycle Octane Boost
AMSOIL Motorcycle Octane Boost
AMSOIL Motorcycle Octane Boost (MOB) increases octane for power and efficiency. It is designed to improve startup performance and eliminate engine ping and knock for increased power at low-rpm operation. Motorcycle Octane Boost contains detergents that help combustion chambers and fuel delivery systems maintain cleanliness for optimum performance. At the recommended treat rate, it does not harm catalytic converters or oxygen sensors and is compatible with all other AMSOIL fuel additives.
Maximizes Power & Performance
When treated at 1.3 oz. per gallon of fuel, Motorcycle Octane Boost increases the octane of gasoline up to three numbers. Increased octane improves power and can eliminate performance-robbing and potentially damaging engine knock or ping (see below).
Improves Low-rpm Performance
Engine knock is especially noticeable in some motorcycles during idle or low-rpm operation and high-temperature driving. Most modern bikes are equipped with sophisticated knock-detection systems that can alter spark timing and the air-to-fuel mixture until knock ceases. Although these systems protect the engine from damage, they can also cause reduced horsepower and poor low-rpm operability. AMSOIL Motorcycle Octane Boost helps reduce the need for knock-detection systems to compensate, ensuring maximum low-rpm power and performance in modern bikes.
Cleans Harmful Deposits
Because Motorcycle Octane Boost contains active detergents, it can help maintain efficiency. For clean up, however, AMSOIL recommends treating gasoline with AMSOIL Quickshot?, which contains a greater concentration of cleaning agents.
What is engine knock and why does it matter?
The tendency of a hydrocarbon fuel, such as gasoline, to knock is measured by its octane number. Lower numbers denote a greater knock tendency; higher numbers denote greater knock control. ?Engine knock? is a reference to the sound made from an uncontrolled and early ignition of fuel in the combustion chamber. It causes a knocking or pinging sound, robs the engine of power and can cause catastrophic engine damage. Knock may be eliminated by increasing the fuel?s octane.
What is Research Octane Number?
Research Octane Number (RON), Motor Octane Number (MON) and Anti-Knock Index (AKI) are the three most common octane ratings. AKI, the rating with which most North American motorists are familiar, is typically displayed on gas pumps as the average of the fuel?s RON and MON [(R+M)/2]. RON, however, is the most common industry rating. Therefore, AMSOIL uses the RON rating when conducting performance tests and product validation. Gasoline?s RON generally is a few numbers higher than the AKI posted on the gas pump (e.g. 87 octane fuel, or regular pump gas, has a RON of about 91-92).
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